Chapter 8: Playing Games

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A couple of weeks later.

Onika Maraj.
Grocery Outlet

"That'll be fourteen fifty-five." I announced while bagging her groceries.

The elderly woman pulled out a crumpled up ten-dollar bill and began patting her pockets for the rest of her debt. I looked around to see if the coast was clear before gently grasping her hand, shaking my head, and gave a polite smile.

"Don't worry about it."

She smiled and pulled me into a tight hug. "Thank you. Thank you. I owe you big time."

When she finally let me go, I handed her a receipt and groceries then spared a moment or two, watching her exit off the premises.

Ruth was a member of my father church, sweet soul, therefore I didn't mind helping her or others when times were rough.

Plus she was last in line.

"Mother Teresa saves the day again." Charles commented.

I flicked him off. "Shut up."

My phone vibrated and I quickly retrieved it from my pockets.

🅱️💍: Wow .. no reply🙄

: Girl bye! 😂I'm at work
: You still scooping me later? 🤔

Beyonce and I have been enjoying each company over the past weeks. lunch dates. late-night conversations. things in that sort and then some.

There's something so refreshing about meeting someone who understands you or at least that's the impression they give.

Everything feels so effortless and natural.

Just vibing.

🅱️💍: I said it didn't I?

: Girl you and this smart ass mouth😂😑

🅱️💍: 🙄
🅱️💍: 🤷🏾‍♀️ and I know the pot calling the kettle black! 😂

: Shut up or fight me.😐

🅱️💍: 😂😉 tuh like you can handle me

: Stwap popping it 👏🏾👏🏾
: I can handle whateva lil zaddy😜

🅱️💍: Hurd you😘

"Excuse me." I heard someone clear their throat and turned my head, greeting an angry bird.

"Need some water?"

She huffed, snatching her groceries off the counter, and scurried across the room to another opened register.

I laughed and shook my head before ringing up the next customer in line.

"I'm sorry about that." I said apologetically.

She grinned at me and resumed typing away on her phone. "Nah you good."

I scanned the items and bagged the small groceries. "Twenty seventy-three."

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