Chapter Thirteen

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Benjamin's POV

After a night of partying and drinking with my friends, I needed to unwind. I've been back and forth with Shelley for the past few years even after she was kicked out of the pack. We set up a house for her in the woods just outside of the territory. Sure, I have plenty of other females but Shelley knows exactly how to please me and is always eager to do so. She clings to me as a lifeline to get back into the territory. She still has her mind set on me not finding my mate and instead marking her to become the next Luna of Night Wind. I really don't care if she comes back to the pack or not but it would make late night booty calls a lot easier. I would never claim her as my mate. It's just sex. I felt like my dad had been too reckless by completely banishing her from the pack. Maybe I'm just bias because she could suck a mean dick and lets me fuck her in the ass. Either way, I wasn't a part of the meeting that day. I'm not exactly sure what she said or did to piss my dad off that bad. But I do know that she likes to play the damsel in distress. That shit is fucking annoying. My dad had scolded me after the fact, but what could he do to me? I'm the future alpha.

I ordered April and Jenny to help her out on their days off. They would take her food and supplies but really didn't want anything to do with her. She hasn't had the best life recently. Her parents had abandoned her and stayed with the pack, she didn't have any real friends, and had been attacked and raped by rogues a few times. She couldn't really survive on her own. She was desperate for any contact. Wolves hate being alone and I could see that she was slowly going crazy.

As I made my way from the third floor to sneak out of the territory, I saw a light on to Tia's office. I quietly made my way down the hall to see what was going on. I heard Tia talking and then I heard a male. Innocent Tia, as she presents herself to be, was messing around in her office with a male after midnight? I inched closer to hear what was said. The male was talking about force shifting and trauma and asked her what happened. What are they talking about? After a long pause, I heard her let out a deep sigh. She started talking about her being bullied and how Shelley kept targeting her. She went into a lot of details that I've never even known about. I knew they picked on her but I didn't know how severe it all was. I would just walk away and let them say or do whatever. I never wanted to be a part of it but now I know she was suffering a lot more than I thought. I could hear the pain in her voice. My eyes almost welled up with tears as I listened. I did everything in my power to protect Shelley and her friends. Even threatened teachers and the principal to keep them from getting into trouble. But I never knew the extent of how they were abusing Tia. I started to feel really bad about the things she endured. I wish I had been there for her, to have been her friend. I wish I had stood up for her instead of taking the coward's way out and turning my back on her and protecting her abusers.

Did she just say Shelley broke her ribs that day? Just for standing up for herself? I thought to myself. I had never even heard about the rumor of me supposedly sleeping with her. She's far too innocent. I like kinky sluts that like it rough. But I always thought something about Tia was special. She has always been a likable person. I just chose to ignore her. I thought Shelley's punishment was a bit harsh and I thought my dad was just upset because he didn't want me wasting time with her so that I could focus on finding my mate. But that manipulative bitch had lied all of those years ago and made it sound so true. I really thought it was a simple argument and she had just pushed her. I really thought that Tia had overreacted. I always knew that Shelley was a conniving, vindictive, and evil person that'll do whatever it takes to get what she wants. I just didn't want to believe it. Realization hit me, she's been using me for a long time.

I tuned back into the conversation and heard the male say that Tia was strong and brave and has a heart of gold. That's very true. Wait, did he just say he was her mate? Tia found her mate?! A sense of pride and happiness filled my heart. She deserves this and more. I outwardly smiled as big as a Cheshire cat. I heard a bit of shuffling and then it got quiet. I seized the opportunity to make my entrance. I knocked on the door frame, still smiling ear to ear.

"Tia, you're working this late?"

I questioned as I walked in and glanced at the half naked male in her embrace. She released her grip and took a step back.

"I was just, um finishing up a few things" she sniffled and looked around her desk.

"Are you ok? Who is this?" I questioned.

"Yeah. I'm fine. I was just, um, I'm fine. And this is, um..."

"Alpha Liam Onyx" the male boomed.

My eyes grew wide and I smiled again from ear to ear. They looked at me confused so I decided to speak first.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. I've heard so much about you. Tia! The alpha of alphas is your mate?!"

She looked at me shocked. She then glanced at him and held her head down to play with her fingers with a shy smile. I glanced at the big, meaty man to find him staring directly at me. He looks so mean. What did I ever do to him? I'm not the one who pissed in his Cheerios.

"So it's true?! I'm so happy for you, Tia!"

I said as I rushed to her with open arms for a hug. All of a sudden I couldn't breathe and felt my back slam into something. I tried to process what the hell was going on. A loud grumble snapped me back to my senses. My feet were dangling off of the floor and I was frantically trying to free myself from a....a gigantic hand? What the fuck just happened? I peered ahead of me wide-eyed and still in shock. The alpha was face to face with me with piercing blue eyes looking into my fearful soul. I was in a daze as I wondered, How the hell did that happen so fast? I continued to try and free myself but to no avail.

"Mine." he growled, sending a chill down my spine.

I nodded in agreement, unable to do anything more. Tia grabbed his bicep and he turned his gaze to her. He loosened his grip enough for me to take a much needed breath. She softly pleaded with him to let me go as she gently stroked up and down his arm. He obliged and dropped me to the floor, never breaking eye contact with his mate. As I scrambled to my feet, I could see his eye color change to a shade of green. She continued to hold his arm and I was completely in awe. So, this is what the mate bond does? It's scary and adorable. I can't wait to have that. I thought to myself still gasping for breath. I bent down to hold my knees and take in as much oxygen as I could. I looked up to the big bad wolf and breathlessly said,

"Hey man.....I'm sorry....I'm so sorry for trying to touch your mate....It'll never happen again....Tia....I'm sorry for the shit....the shit you had to go through with Shelley...I should've been there to help you....I had no idea....Please forgive me....I'm so happy for you. You deserve this...and so much more. I'm...I'm gonna let myself out....and go the fuck to bed. I staggered out of the office holding my hand up as a goodbye. I groggily made my way back upstairs and into my room. Holy shit that dude is fucking strong. I gotta stop drinking and work out more. I thought to myself and I plopped into my bed. To hell with getting my dick sucked, I gotta sleep this shit off. I almost fucking died tonight.

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