Chapter Forty Four

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Tia's POV

Liam passed out and looked like he needed the rest. I played on my phone and took a few selfies before I joined the slumber. I was woken up by the captain speaking over the intercom. We had arrived. Liam was already awake so he closed his laptop and loaded up his belongings. I released a sleepy yawn and stretched my stiff muscles. The bell chimed for us to exit the plane. We said the normal goodbyes and loaded into our vehicles. The ride was peaceful with little small talk because Liam was still working. He said he was doing finishing touches on the treaty with Night Wind so I let him do his thing. As we arrived at the villa, I saw mom and dad on the front steps with Alpha Artemis and a few others. My heart filled with joy and I could barely sit still. I missed them so much. I quickly made my way out of the car and they met me with hugs. Robert came to join the group and did the same. He and my dad shook hands and smiled proudly at one another...males...can't show proper affection to one another. We said hellos and started to chat as we walked into the villa. Mom and I sat next to each other on a couch hand-in-hand while dad and Robert sat separately. We talked about life at the kingdom, my training with Izzy, Robert's training with the hunters and warriors, and so on. We stayed this way for two hours until Jenny came and announced it was time for dinner. I looked at her and she seemed broken and pale. I told my family that I would catch up to them and asked her to stay back for a second.

"Jenny, how are you?"

"I'm fine, Luna." She bowed.

"I'm not the Luna of this pack so no need for formalities. But how are you...really?"

She finally looked up from her bowed head. Her eyes looked a little tearful. She looked stressed and regretful.

"Really, Luna, I-I mean Tia. I'm fine."

I studied her for a moment and smiled. I gave her a reassuring rub of her arm and walked away to the kitchen. I couldn't place my finger on what was wrong with Jenny, it nagged at me for a while but I suppressed it and enjoyed dinner with my family. We ate, drank, and talked until about 9:00 when they decided to head home. I was staying with Liam at the villa and Robert went back to the pack house, he missed his friends. Liam stayed in the suite from before and our bags were already there. I tidied up and put away our things before showering and lying down. I thought for a while about the fact that I hadn't seen him since we got here. I tried to use our link but it echoed back to me, he was busy. I left on a bedside lamp, tucked myself in, and went to sleep.

My alarm woke me up at 7 a.m. I had to get ready and go take my first two finals. I looked for Liam next to me but he wasn't there. I could tell he slept in bed but he was gone before I woke up. I washed my face, brushed my teeth and got ready to leave. My backpack was sitting on the desk so I threw it around my shoulder and headed downstairs. Tyler and Brutus were chatting at the door waiting for me when I arrived. I remembered I had to have them with me all day and internally groaned. Brutus took my bag and they loaded me in the car. Tyler drove to my university and parked closest to my first building. It was 7:50 and the test started at 8. I attempted to grab my bag from Brutus but he slung it across his shoulder and handed me a frappuccino instead. I glared at him and snatched it away. I turned to walk to class and popped the top. It was soooo good. I savored every sip. I was too much into the yummy drink to notice all the stares at me and my big bad wolves. People scattered and cleared my path. I walked briskly and arrived in seven minutes. I took a seat in the middle, at the aisle. Brutus dropped my bag to the floor and went to meet Tyler at the back. So rude. I turned my phone to vibrate and took out a pencil. The instructor came in and eyed the room. He looked up in surprise at the huge guys sitting at the back but didn't say anything. He gave instructions for the exam and handed out the materials. A simple scantron sheet and a 15 page packet which was the test. Most of the students groaned at the amount of work there was, I just started scribbling away at the bubbles.

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