Chapter Twenty Four

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Tia's POV

I woke up feeling warm and buzzing with energy. It was very comfortable and I thought I was still dreaming. My stomach was doing flips however and my head was pounding. I opened my eyes to blinding sunlight and groaned in displeasure. Then I realized, I wasn't in my room. Where the fuck am I? And why does my side feel so heavy? I turned to my back to take in my surroundings but I couldn't move very well. I noticed I was in Liam's room and quickly turned my head to find him sleeping peacefully with heavy, steady breaths. My heart rate picked up and I gently shuffled to get up. Apparently it wasn't so gentle and he started to shift around in his sleep and tightened his grip. I stayed still for a moment as my heart continued thumping in my chest. What the fuck happened last night? Why am I in his room? Oh, my heavens I'm in a change of clothes. He saw me naked? Did he-Did we? My breathing picked up and I kinda started freaking out.

A burst of nausea set in. My mouth watered and my insides were churning. I jumped up and ran to his bathroom to let out all the remaining alcohol from last night, along with 80% of my stomach acids. I was gagging and dry heaving as tears stained my face. Everything was so hot coming up. I felt Liam approach and he grabbed my hair and rubbed my back. I stayed this way, unable to control my projectile flow of liquids, for a couple of minutes. I finally released the last drop of my dignity and breathed heavily. I spit and got up to flush the toilet. I ignored his presence and went to wash my face and gargle fresh water. I felt like death! Then the memories of last night hit me. We were celebrating. I had roughly two bottles of champagne. I didn't eat anything to feed the alcohol. And then, I remembered nothing. I had to have gotten drunk. What did I say or do in my drunken stupor? I turned to Liam who was staring with concern and asked him what happened last night.

"You got drunk."

"Drunk? How drunk?"

"Like, wasted!"

He said as he walked back into the bedroom. I noticed that he was just in his underwear, again but it didn't bother me as much as before. I had a throbbing headache.

"What happened last night?"

"Like I said, you were drunk." He said as he sat back on the bed.

"No, like, what happened last night?"

He looks up to me and blinks a few times.

"We didn't have sex, if that's what you mean."

I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well how exactly did I end up in my pajamas but in your room?"

"You were drunk, you said you didn't feel well, and you said you were going to sleep right then and there. And you did."

"That still doesn't explain my change in clothes and your room."

"I didn't see you naked, ok? I asked the girl from yesterday to get you changed. At least I walked out and gave you privacy. As much as I would love to see you naked, I'll only do it with your consent."

"Oh... So Jenny changed my clothes? It still doesn't explain why I woke up in your room. Did I come here on my own?"

"I carried you. You were asleep before we even left the ballroom. You weren't kidding when you laid on my chest and said you were going to sleep. You were out in like two seconds." He laughed.

"Stop fucking with me, Liam. I'm being serious. I've never been drunk before! Did I embarrass myself?"

He stood from the bed and came to face me. He stroked my arms lovingly.

"No, Love. You didn't say or do anything embarrassing. You're a really peaceful drunk."

He laughed and hugged me, rubbing my back in reassurance. I wrapped my arms around his waist and laid on his bare chest like it was second nature. I tried to sort out everything that happened.

"I feel like shit." I pouted.

"I'm sure you do. You're a lightweight."

"Ha. Ha." I said sarcastically and broke away from his embrace. "What time is it?"

"Looks like a quarter til 9:00."

"Great. I have 45 minutes to get ready."

"Ready for what?"

"Work with the alpha. I'll see you later." I turned to leave and he caught my wrist.

"I don't want you to leave."

"Aww. But I have to. I really need to brush my teeth. I feel like I ate rotten meat."

I grimaced and he laughed. He leaned in for a kiss and I pushed him away.

"Ew! Stop being gross! I just puked 5 minutes ago!" He laughed again.

"You should see the things Titan eats when we're out on missions."

"I don't want to imagine. The cravings Deva has, makes my stomach turn. Now go downstairs to eat some breakfast and I'll meet you there, K?"


He kissed the top of my forehead, I smiled, turned and walked away.

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