Chapter Thirty Six

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Tia's POV

I racked my brain to think of if I even knew where the dining room was. It shouldn't be too hard to find, right? I had taken a quick shower and put on one of the outfits from the closet. I wasn't sure where my belongings were just yet but this outfit was really comfortable. It was a basic black t-shirt and spandex shorts that showed all of my curves. I paired it with some slip on sandals and was ready to go. I retraced our steps back to the elevator and got off on the first floor. The house was eerily quiet except the faint softness of classical music. I figured this has to be Liam's choice of music because he has it playing everywhere we go. It gives a calming effect, which he really needs, but I enjoyed its peacefulness and comfort. Maybe it's my choice of music too.

I was back in the foyer we had entered the house from and observed my surroundings. There was a hall with room doors behind me, a staircase leading up, and a staircase leading down was in front of me. I chose the stairs to go down and entered another hall. At the end of the hall, I looked left and right. On one side it looked like a den or living room and a hallway and the other side was another foyer. It has three sets of double doors leading out to a garden, a pool and a series of other homes. I turned through the foyer and entered another hallway. It had three doors so I chose the first in front of me. It was a large, beautiful kitchen. I wandered around marveling everything and noticed a little black door at the end. Surely it leads somewhere, right? I opened it to see it was an elaborate pantry with five subzero refrigerators and a series of selves filled with different snacks and foods. I thought back to how much Liam can consume in one meal and smiled. I retraced my steps out of the kitchen and saw a map hanging on the wall. It was of the territory so it didn't serve much purpose but it did help me realize how big his kingdom was. There were a lot of houses and forested areas. There were also lakes and streams in various places. All of this responsibility revolved around one man. My man. That's why he says he's always busy.

He'll always have time for us. Deva chimed in.

Yeah, I know. But I don't want to take him away from all he has to do. I sighed.

All he has to do is you!

Deva?! Hush you horny wolf!

I'm not the only one horny. You love it!

I outwardly smiled with a small blush. She knows he's my weakness. I turned to my right when I heard a small clink of silverware. I followed the sound and opened the door to reveal a huge dining room. It was elegantly all white. There was a seating area near a window and separate rooms with marble dining tables and wicker chairs. The place was immaculate. I walked around the large table and rubbed my hand along the cool, smooth marble. To the right, I saw a little lady with a food cart placing an array of foods on the table. I walked to the door and cleared my throat.

"Ahem. Excuse me, miss?"

"Yes?" She said as she turned around.

"I'm supposed to meet Alpha Liam for dinner. Am I in the right place?"

"Oh hi! Yes, yes. This is the place. I do apologize I was running a bit late. I should have come to get you sooner. Please forgive me."

"Oh, it's no problem. Has the Alpha not arrived?"

"He should be here any moment. Please have a seat there."

"Oh, thank you."

"What can I get you to drink?"

"Water would be fine."

"Yes, Luna. Right away."

She quickly grabbed her cart and rolled it away. I didn't have time to respond. How did she know me? And how did she know I was Liam's mate? I sat in confusion, staring into space until I heard Liam come in.

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