Chapter Forty Seven

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Tia's POV

After we got back from the trip with the treaty and my finals my life really started. I was blood bound to the kingdom and assigned Luna duties. It basically was making decisions that Liam didn't want to be bothered with and checking things to make sure it was running smoothly. It was a lot but it was just like being the CEO I always dreamed of being, except it was for wolves and not humans. We went back to Night Wind for my graduation ceremony and I had an entire section full of loved ones. I got the biggest cheer in the entire auditorium when my name was called. I made Brutus carry all the flower bouquets and gifts so he could look friendly for once. His face was beet red in embarrassment. Once we made it back home there was pressure from the Lycan Counsel to have our coronation. I let Izzy do all the prep over the next three weeks and it was perfect for an early July celebration. She told Liam and I about our marks turning to crowns. It was ancient Lycan history and showed you were of pure blood from the Moon Goddess. Basically Liam and I were meant to be King and Queen. For the coronation Liam wouldn't agree to pink and black so we went with a black and gold theme. He didn't lie when he said there would be a line of people wanting to witness the event. There were at least 100,000 wolves packed in one place. I shook hands and smiled for six whole hours. I eventually waved goodbye and we took the limo home. It was a 45 minute ride and I had passed out before we made it.

I was stretching myself a little thin with Queen duties since graduation and slept a lot. I was always late to things and would forget what I had planned so Liam made preparations for my upcoming birthday celebration. He said he had a surprise in store for me so I just let him have his fun. He was really giddy about everything but also wanted it to be a secret. He annoyed the crap out of me.

The middle of July rolled around and it was finally my 21st birthday. I had makeup artists and hair stylist poking, pulling, and prodding me for hours. By the time my celebration started, I was already tired. Thankfully it was a smaller gathering with mostly pack members and my family so I won't have to stay up all night. I made my way to the venue and was greeted by applause. Liam really outdid himself. It was an all white affair and it was beautiful. Almost fairytale-like. He was wearing an all white tux with black bowtie and suspenders and I wore an all white pants suit.

We mingled for a while and he excused himself. I went to the buffet to have a snack when he disappeared. More like a plate of food stacked high. I was starving. I was busy with my 'glam squad' all day and only had a few nibbles here and there. I sipped on water most of the night because I had been feeling a little dehydrated and alcohol was going to make it worse. Liam clincked his glass as he entered the stage. He gave a speech about love and unity and called me to the stage.

"Everyone. Please give a round of applause to your Queen, the birthday girl, Miss Tia Hale."

They all clapped in unison and I smiled and waved back to the crowd. I turned my attention back to Liam and he was down on one knee with the biggest diamond ring I've ever seen. I grabbed my face and instantly started to cry.

"Tia Hale, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

I couldn't form words so I just nodded like a bobble head. He stood and placed the ring on my finger and a roar of applause erupted. People whistled and screamed out as he planted a long, wet kiss on my lips. We hugged and enjoyed each other for a minute before he led us off the stage. We had a million more congratulations and I clinked a glass of champagne with my family. It was my first drink of the night but it didn't sit well with me. I think I ate too much. I excused myself as the woozy feeling consumed me. My mouth watered uncontrollably with thick spit that was hard to swallow. I rushed through the crowd and out the door. As soon as I hit the thickness of the fresh summer air, I projectile vomited into the nearest bush. I stayed this way, heaving and gagging and gasping for any air to enter my lungs. Liam came from behind followed by my family due to the rapid evacuation I just performed. I was embarrassed for them to see me this way but I couldn't control the flow of liquids. I finally finished spilling the contents of my stomach. I spit and wiped away my tears. They looked at me worriedly and suggested I go to the hospital. I declined and said it was because I had eaten so much. They accepted the answer until I gagged and retched again falling to my knees. I was dizzy and exhausted and...empty. But I continued to dry-heave painfully. After I was able to compose myself we walked to the infirmary. Thankfully it was close to the party and only took a few minutes. Liam held me up and close to his body which I was thankful for because I was so weak. His overprotectiveness finally paid off. After a few tests and an IV drip that seemed to take all night, the doctor finally came in.

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