Chapter Thirty Seven

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Tia's POV

Once Liam left I got changed into a gown and crawled into bed. I called my parents for a brief conversation and told them about what happened during Liam and my first fight. My dad agreed that I need to get with Isabella soon. They asked about Robert and said he hadn't called. I told them that I hadn't seen him either but assured them that the house and territory was so large that I could easily not make contact. They felt relieved and we quickly hung up. There's a two hour time difference so when I called it was actually after midnight there. They were asleep but my mom always slept light so she answered on the second ring. I was tired so I placed my phone on the charger and went to sleep.

I woke up to pain in my abdomen. I was sweating profusely and getting hotter by the second. I thought I had eaten something that didn't agree with me so I shifted to the edge of the bed. The pain got worse so I wanted to go to the bathroom. I stood up and the sharp pains shot all the way through me. I doubled over holding my stomach but couldn't take it. I dropped to the floor hard and landed on my side. But that didn't compare to the torturous pain inside of me. I screamed and cried and held my stomach. I brought my knees up to my chest with my arms still wrapped around me. The pains shot through me once again and I bellowed even louder than before. Liam came running through the door and rushed to my side.

"Tia, what's wrong? What happened?"

"It huuuuuurts!"

"What hurts? What happened?"

He went to pick me up and place me on the bed.

"Shit! You're burning up!"

"Help meeeee! It hurts!"

I screamed from the top of my lungs. It felt like my insides were being torn apart.

"What hurts?! What happened?!"

"My stomach! My insides! Stop fucking freaking out and help meeeee!"

The walls began to shake again so I knew I needed to calm down. I can only focus on the excruciating pain and it made me cry more.

"Calm down, ok? Um. Um. I think you might be in heat."

"In what?"

I said through gritted teeth. I trying my best to keep my composure before I fucked around and had the whole house crumble on top of us.

"Shit! I mean it makes sense, right? We mated, you're marked it normally happens within the first week. Fuck, Tia. You're in heat."

"Make it stop! Pleeeease?!"

"We have to fuck."

"Stop fucking playing with me Liam Nathaniel!"

"Watch your emotions. You're glowing in the dark, ok?"

"OOOOH GOD! I'm being fucking ripped apart!"

He gripped at his hair and paced back and forth. I just laid in a ball and cried my eyes out.

"Babe, look ok? We literally have to fuck. That's the only way to get rid of the pain. I could get the witches in the coven to make something that helps but it'll take a couple hours or so."

"I don't have a couple of hours, Liam! I'm fucking dying right here!"

The room shook again so I cried harder. I was really fucking up with keeping my emotions in check. I just wanted relief.

"Look, this is Deva's way of saying she wants to reproduce. I'll use protection this time, I promise. But we have to do this."

I grabbed his arm and pulled him into me. I kissed him like my life depended on it, which it kinda did. He was shocked at first but he knew what he had to do. We got deeper and deeper into the kiss. He started grinding against me and the pain started easing. I surrendered myself to him as he sucked on my neck and pulled down my underwear. He quickly slipped out of his own and went back to grinding his hard cock on my wetness. He kissed his way to the other side and sucked my mark. I moaned and melted into the mattress. I felt him shift his weight slightly and enter me slowly. The pain in my stomach subsided more as he entered. I moaned more as I felt his girth and length penetrate within me. The sweat pouring from me made a slick surface for him to slide up and down my body. He was slow and gentle and I craved him more. He stopped his stroke and pressed his body onto mine and kissed me softly. I opened my mouth to let him enter without command. He smiled against my mouth in satisfaction. He slowly pushed the rest of his mighty manhood into me and I moaned into his mouth. This caused him to kiss me harder and start to thrust. He did slow, even strokes as he kissed down my face and neck.

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