Chapter Forty Two

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Tia's POV

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Tia's POV

Liam and I had an early dinner and talked about plans for me training with Isabella. His way of thinking is quite impressive. He's so calculative and decisive. I was thoroughly influenced. Of course I agreed with everything he said because I couldn't think of any way to dispute or discredit his ideas. He's fucking brilliant. I see why his pack is so strong and well managed. We eventually got on the subject of travel back to Night Wind for my finals. We'd only be there for a couple of days but I still dreaded it. I was already getting comfortable here. Sure, I still get lost in the house but it felt better than home.

After dinner he said he was going to work in a meeting room. Since I destroyed his office, I felt pretty bad. He playfully dismissed it by saying he needed to upgrade anyway and said I could repay him with kisses and long nights of love making. I blushed but agreed and he smiled like a kid in a candy shop. Horny wolf. He gave me a series of playful kisses when we parted ways. I retired to my room full of adoration, love, and food. I ate so much food. I took a long shower and studied for a few hours before I felt sleepy. I walked around to Liam's room but he wasn't there so I decided to just go to bed.

The next few days were all about training with Izzy and studying for exams. I had barely seen Liam or anyone else but I had learned so much. After I told Izzy of Liam's theory she grasped it by the horns and made me do all kinds of weird stuff. She tortured small animals and made me heal them then we graduated to larger animals such as dear and even a bear. I had never seen a bear in my life. I lifted water and rocks and eventually trees from their roots. She would hide in the shadows of the woods, mask her scent and make me find her. We did this with lots of other willing volunteers. She held giant boulders over cute little animals and threatened to smash them if I didn't catch it. Most of them, I completely obliterated which made projectile rocks fly everywhere. Once, I broke a window at the house and she portaled away leaving me behind with a very pissed off Tyler. He and Brutus were always around, Liam's orders.

I conjured small storms and learned to control their size and intensity. I even learned how to send small zaps of lightning from my finger. It was like a taser. I zapped Tyler and he squealed like a pig. That sent us into a fit of laughter and even earned a heavy chuckle from Brutus. We all got really close. They were my family. Brutus would be the domineering big brother. Tyler would be the annoying one. And Izzy would be the laid back big sister. They made me feel happy and safe. I met a lot of pack members, toured the grounds and visited pack houses. Everyone was so happy that it made me happy. Liam was right, all of my worries were for nothing. They loved me as their Luna and gave me the respect attached to it. But they also treated me as an equal, like I was a real person. I felt settled and content. I also have been getting excessively spoiled by the staff. They learned my likes and dislikes and wouldn't let me lift a finger. I hadn't cooked a meal or washed clothes or even made my own bed. Things were easy and simple, just like I always dreamed. Besides the little accidents with me and Izzy, I hadn't destroyed anything else so that was a major bonus.

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