Chapter Thirty

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WARNING: THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS VIVID SEXUAL DETAILS (Time for some Smut)!!!! Vote and comment!

Liam's POV

Once I got Tia in the bathroom, I knew she wasn't going to willingly let me see her naked so I left. I took the opportunity to go get myself freshened up. I took a 10 minute shower and put on some comfortable clothes and slippers. I made my way back to her room and the bathroom door was still closed so I just sat on the bed and checked my phone. Things at the kingdom were going great. The maids had the adjoining room set up. They had been shopping for clothes and accessories and I even had them get a full stock of those disgusting cold coffees she likes. I checked the flight plan for tomorrow and saw we were to leave the airport at noon. We'd be home by 7:00. Home. With my Queen. A sense of pride and emotion came over me. I never thought I'd see the day. As I finished up some emails, Tia started coming out of the bathroom. She was walking better but still holding her ribs so I rushed over but she stopped me.

"I'm fine. Let me do it."

"You're not fine, look at you. Why didn't you put on the clothes I set out for you?" I noticed that she was only in a robe. She lowered her head in guilt.

"I couldn't."

She finally spoke. I felt bad. I shouldn't have left her in the bathroom alone. No matter how much she would've fought me about it, I know she needed my help.

"You know I will only do things with your permission. Why won't you let me help you?"

"I just..."

"What is it, Tia? You can tell me anything."

"I've never had sex before, ok? I have all of these sexual urges when I'm with you. And Deva doesn't make it any better. She's a very horny wolf, you've seen her! I'm afraid you won't like what you see. Or I won't be able to control her or even myself. Or I won't be able to satisfy you."

"I don't just like what I see when I see you, I fucking love it. And you think you're the only one with sexual urges? I have to think about everything else around me when I'm with you. I've counted every tile in this goddamn house trying to keep my dick from getting hard. And it's like that every time I see you. If anything I won't be able to satisfy you. I'll probably blow my load as soon as I touch you. So your worries are just worries, it's not the truth."

"So you feel the same as I do?"

"I do. Probably more."

"Then I want to try." She smiled.

"Try what?"

"I want to have sex with you."


I had no words, my mouth stood open. I can't believe she took the initiative. I thought she'd wait and I'd have blue balls or a rash from jerking off. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought she would be so ready and willing to have me.

"Do you not want to?"

"I mean, yes. Of course! But what about your injuries?"

"My dad is coming with pain meds. But nothing too strong, just something to take the edge off. So don't worry about taking advantage of me. I won't be out of it and I'm giving you consent sober."

"Soooo, you thought about all of this and was still worried?"

"Well I didn't know if you felt the same way. We're going to do it eventually. Why wait?"

I wanted to respond but a knock came through the door. I went to answer it and it was Theodore.

"Alpha." He bowed. I opened the door further to let him in. He went to Tia and helped her to the bed. She opened the top of her robe, just enough to show her shoulder and he gave her an injection.

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