Chapter Twenty Seven

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Liam's POV

We rushed straight to the pack's hospital and a crew of doctors and nurses was already waiting. I'd have to thank Robert later for his efficiency. They quickly transferred her to a private room and I stayed by her side. The nurse brought me a pair of scrubs and some toiletries for a shower but I just slipped on the pants. Even though I was covered in leaves and mud, I was too worried about my mate. I paced the floor in the background listening to all of the orders they were giving. She was still unresponsive. Her vital signs weren't good and they were trying everything to keep her alive. Her rib had punctured her lung so she couldn't get enough oxygen. They kept yelling for some dimwitted nurse to call Dr. Hale and get him here now. None of it made sense until her dad came in. He quickly draped on a white coat and asked them to clear the room. He noticed me standing anxiously in the corner and gave a firm nod. Why did he clear everyone out? She needs help. He needs help. How can only one person do everything that needs to be done?

Once the room was completely clear he walked to his daughter's side. He pulled out her breathing tube and the machines started to beep in urgency. I was freaking out. Ready to react so I could save my mate but I had to trust him. After all, she is his daughter. He took a look at her injuries and turned to the metal cart of medical equipment. He took out a scalpel and I almost lunged at him . He cut a slit into his own hand and dripped the blood into her mouth. He looked back up to me.

"I know we're gonna have to have a proper conversation after this." He said.

I stood confused. He looked back at her and his eyes started to glow. The amount of energy in the room was so powerful I could barely breathe. He hovered his palms over her torso and the light from his eyes beamed into his hands. My eyes grew wide at the scene in front of me. I looked back to my mate to see the gash in her face disappear. The wound to her neck slowly closed. All of the cuts on her body just...vanished. The light in his eyes dimmed. He took a deep breath and turned his gaze to me.

"I'll have one of the nurses come clean her up and dress her. She'll be awake in about an hour."

"What did? What?" I stammered over my words.

"We'll have this discussion when she wakes up." He said and turned to walk out of the room.

I stood there dumbfounded. What the fuck did I just witness? He fed her blood, started glowing in the damn dark, and shot rays of sunshine outta his fucking hands! Oh Dear Goddess, I need a drink.

Tia was sleeping peacefully when the nurse came in. She smiled and said she was there to give her a spongebath and get her dressed. I took the opportunity to go to the bathroom myself and take a shower. The water pressure was crappy, but at least it was nice and hot. I shampooed my hair and washed up and just stood there letting the water wash away some of my stress. I failed. I failed to protect my mate. What if I had lost her? What would I have done without her?

A knock on the door shook me back from my thoughts. I turned off the water and slid into the fresh set of scrubs. When I opened the bathroom door, Tia's dad was there and she was sitting up on the bed with a smile on her face. I rushed to her and wrapped her in a tight embrace. She winced with pain so I quickly let go and evaluated her.

"I'm just a little sore," She said.

I visibly relaxed and placed a soft kiss on her forehead. We stared into each other's eyes until her dad cleared his throat. We both turned our attention to him.

"Tia, dear. We have to talk."

"When people say that, it's never a good thing, dad."

"Alpha Liam, please pull up a chair."

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