Chapter Forty Six

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"Liam. Robert said there's trouble!"

The men sprung into action and gathered around my mom and I. We sat still in the middle as they scanned the area.

"Tia! Tell them they're coming from the west. They're closing in fast! I hear about 20!"

"Babe! There's 20 coming from the west! We need to move!"

"No. If we move, we scatter. Be still."

"Robert, call backup! Get them here now!"

"They're already on the way. Stay calm"

I tuned into my senses and heard what Robert heard. They were sporadic, unorganized, and sloppy. I backed off and gave Deva full control. Liam took notice and did the same with Titan. Just between the two of us, we could kill half of them in minutes. I felt my powers surging. I wanted to open the ground beneath them.

"Calm down, Baby. We got this."

Liam said. I nodded but I knew my eyes were still glowing. I knew where they were, they were close. I raised my hackles and started to growl. The others followed suit and bared their teeth ready to attack. The first wolf jumped out of the trees towards my dad. He caught him mid-air by the snout and threw him into a tree. He lunged at him before he could get his bearings and started ripping him apart. I refocused my gaze on the upcoming two. They were closing in on Robert and Tyler. He nudged Tyler and darted for the trees and Tyler followed behind. In the next wave there were five.

"Five. Right at us."

I switched my footing and as soon as they came I grabbed one by the neck and shook him. Easy kill. The river of rogues flowed. There was fur and blood flying everywhere. After killing my third wolf I heard a loud yelp. I turned my attention to see a rogue had my mom pinned to the ground. Her arm was bleeding profusely and she was struggling to hold him off. I took large gallops towards him and lowered my head. I headbutted him in the ribs and heard the crack. By the time he landed, I was already over him. I could see my own eyes glowing through his. He gnashed his teeth and wiggled to free himself. I waited for the prime opportunity and bit down on his neck. With a few shakes of my head, I heard it snap. My adrenaline was running on high as I scanned the crowd. Backup had arrived and I found everyone but Liam. My heart dropped and I ran through the bloodshed looking left and right for my mate. Just down a small hill I saw him. He was circling with three of the wolves. He was keeping his weight off his hind leg so I knew he was injured. The pit of my heart grew angry and I released the loudest howl known to man. It rumbled the earth and the trees swayed. I looked at the trio with vengeance in my eyes. They stood still, completely entranced by the glow of my eyes. I grabbed the biggest one by his snout and threw him to Liam. The other two lunged at once and I moved away. The one that landed closest to me, I grabbed by the hind leg. I shook it and it snapped. The wolf released a pained whimper as the final wolf pounced on me before I had my footing. I got knocked over and barrel rolled into a nearby boulder and hit my hip. I shook off the pain as he came at me. He was coming head first in order to pin me and get a clean kill. As soon as he was two steps away, I moved. He ran head first into the boulder and snapped his own neck. Liam was done with his kill and hovered over the wolf with the bad leg. He was so angry. When he growled, his fur shook.

Tyler and Brutus came to evaluate me and lead me away. I looked back to see Liam rip out the wolf's heart with his claws. I cringed and turned away. Tyler rubbed against me in comfort. I limped on my hip back up the hill to see the forest of bloodshed. Wolves were taking inventory of their team and carrying away those that were injured. I was relieved that my family was ok. We had very few injuries in comparison to all the casualties that covered the forest floor. I thought about the events as we walked back to the villa. I know that Liam, Sam, and Will went in a different direction. He was injured and I was worried. I tried the link but it never connected. He was blocking me out. Robert took my parents home and left me with Tyler and Brutus. They turned their backs to let me redress. They walked me back to the villa, still in their wolf form, and watched as I entered and rounded the corner to go upstairs.

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