Chapter Thirty Five

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Liam's POV

I jolted awake because I felt like it was too quiet. The roar of the jet was gone. I focused my eyes and saw Tia sitting in her seat looking at me with concern and her phone in her hands.

"Are you ok?" She asked.

"How long have I been out?"

"I've been up for about an hour and we just landed. The captain said sit tight until the bell chimes."

"Shit. I slept three whole hours? I feel like I just closed my eyes."

"You must be tired from all our 'exercise' ,'' she giggled. I looked to see Sam was gone and then the exit bell chimed. It was finally time to go home. I realized I was buckled in and I know I hadn't done it before I passed out. I unstrapped the belt and grabbed Tia's hand to exit. We said a brief goodbye to the staff and made it to the fleet of awaiting cars.

Once on the road we talked about random things. Favorite foods, favorite movies, that sort of thing. Out of the blue she asked for my middle name. I hate my middle name but love the meaning behind it.


"Liam Nathaniel Onyx...I like that name," she smiled.

"Yeah? Well I hate it."

"Why? It flows well."

"Not when you're in trouble," I laughed.

"Well, I mean, that's how you found out my trainwreck of a name. But I love the meaning behind it. Does yours have a meaning?"

"It does."

"Well, what does it mean?"

"Liam means 'strong-willed warrior and protector'. Nathaniel means 'God given or Gift of God.' My name loosely means strong-willed warrior of the heavens, at least that's what my mom always said."

"Aww! You're my God given protector?"

I laughed at her silliness but agreed to her logic.

"It says nothing about being controlling or possessive though."

"It does not. But I am."

"So you expect me to always submit?"

"Not always, always. But yes."

"I won't make any promises."

"Oh, you will." I said with a serious expression. She rolled her eyes in annoyance and quickly changed the subject. We talked about more random things. I told her about life in the house, what to expect as a Luna, and how she would eventually meet so many people her head would spin. I know it's crazy because I have thousands of people on my territory and have interacted with each and every one of them at some point. I remember a lot of their names but I'm a busy guy so I don't interact often. I explained that Will was my second-in-command and Tyler and Sam were third. She asked if Will was a Beta which he basically is but he knows he's more than that. That would make him the Beta of Alphas which doesn't make sense. She tried to make it seem like she understood and it made me laugh.

As we entered the entryway leading to my territory, our home, I pointed out some of the landscape. She was in awe of everything. As we rounded the corner, the house came into view and her eyes widened more in amazement.

"Is this where you live?"

"We live. And yes. It's us, Sam, Will, and Tyler, and a few other guards. The help lives in that house on the far right with their families and they alternate round-the-clock."

"So how many people live in this house?"

"About 20 guards on the first floor, they patrol the surrounding area in shifts. Will and the others live on the second floor along with guest rooms. And we live on the third floor. But don't worry, we have a private elevator."

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