Chapter Eighteen

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The Secret Is Out

As Tia comes out of the bathroom, Liam is already there seated on the bed.

"Are you ready to spend some time with me?" He smiled.

"Um just give me a sec."

Tia fidgets in a drawer and tries to discreetly grab a fresh pair of underwear, Liam sees and chuckles.

"What are you laughing at?"

"Why are you trying to hide your panties?"


He laughs again.

"Look, Love. I was just in them. You shouldn't be ashamed of having to put more on. However, I'd prefer if you keep them off."

"Liam Onyx!" she gasped.

A low grumble left his chest.

"If you call my name like that again, we'll be in this bed for the next two hours."

He teased while walking towards her. Tia's mouth bobbed like a fish until she swatted his chest and went back to the bathroom to slip on her panties. When she emerged Liam was at the bedroom door waiting to take the tour with his arm open like a gentleman. Tia smiled and linked her arm with his and set off down the hall.

After they made their way down the stairs arm in arm, laughter could be heard in the living room. They passed through the foyer and peered around to where it was coming from. Robert, Sam, Tyler and Will were sitting on the living room sofas having a conversation. Will saw them enter first so he immediately stood and bowed his head. "Alpha." Sam and Tyler turned to see him and did the same. Robert was confused but stood anyway, out of habit when an alpha is present. He noticed Tia and walked around to greet her.

"Baby sister. What's up?" he smiled, taking slow strides towards them.

"About to take Liam on a tour of the territory."

"Liam?" He questioned.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry. Where are my manners? Liam, this is my brother, Robert. Big brother, this is Alpha Liam Onyx."

Robert's eyes grew wide and his jaw dropped.

"Alpha-Alpha Liam Onyx? The Alpha Liam Onyx? Holy hell it's a pleasure to meet you, sir." He bowed in respect. "Tia, you can't just call him by his first name." He whisper shouted.

"So you're Tia's brother?"

"Yes, sir. Older by four years and five months." Robert bowed again.

"No need to bow. We're family."

Robert looked up confused. His eyes shifted between the two and he began to notice the intimate details between them. The arm in arm stance, the way she called him by his first name, the huge grin on his face and the sly smile of embarrassment on her face.

"Are you? Are you two mates?!"

"Yes, we are."

Liam said with a bright smile. He even puffed up his chest in pride.

Tia snaps her neck up to glare at him for how blatantly open he was being. That's why he put so many hickies on me. He really does want everyone to know. She thought to herself.

"Holy shit, Tia! Does mom and dad know?"

"No. I didn't realize we were telling the world."

Tia said with gritted teeth and she stared back up to Liam. He smiled and rocked on his toes. Tyler, Will and Sam came over with handshakes and congratulations.

"Fucking hell. Your neck is lit up like a Christmas tree."

Tyler said. Clearly he thought it was hilarious but it earned him a pouty, mean stare from Tia. Robert laughed heartily and in turn Sam and Will joined in. They weren't really laughing at the joke, they were laughing at how cute her glare was. She looked like a pissed off kitten, like she could do no harm. Tia huffed and tightened her grip on Liam's arm to drag him along out to the back garden.

"I'll be sure to call mom in a minute to tell her the good news." Robert yelled after her, still chuckling with his newfound friends.

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