Chapter Thirty Four

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Liam's POV

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Liam's POV

Tyler and Robert came to the back area soon after I arrived. They sat on the other side of the aisle and turned in their seats facing me. They were both smiling smuglly so I know what it was all about. I masked the smile that was beaming in me and turned to them.

"What's up, guys?"

"Is uhh, is everything alright?" Tyler asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Did you fucking kill my sister?"

Robert laughed and Tyler joined. I couldn't hide the smile anymore but I knew she would be pissed if they were talking about this.

"No, I didn't kill your sister. Don't say anything either, she's embarrassed. She did have a panic attack though. Two actually, just today. How often does that happen?"

"I know she has them but she hides them so I don't know how often. I found her passed out a couple of times. Once, I had to break down her bedroom door and call my dad. I was visiting my family and heard a huge thud. I went to check and she was passed out with a gash on her head. She had a concussion and wouldn't wake up. Freaked me the fuck out."

"Hm. So do you know her triggers?"

"Mostly stress, I think? She's an overthinker and puts everything on herself."

"I see. I got her to calm down after a few minutes and now I know what she feels like when it comes on now. I'll keep an eye on her."

"You're keeping more than an eye." Tyler wiggled his bows and they both laughed uncontrollably.

"What's so funny out here?" Tia emerged from the bathroom

"Tyler was making jokes. Tell her, Tyler." I said with a smirk.

"I um. Um. I don't think it's appropriate."

"Big brother, do you care to share?"

"Nope. I'm going to talk to Sam." He stood at once and left. Tyler glanced around nervously and followed suit.

"Y'all are cowards!" I called out

Tia went to sit but I grabbed her wrist and pulled her to my lap. I buried my head in her chest and took in her scent.

"We need to talk." I finally said.

"About what?"

"There were a few stray mutts lingering around the kingdom last night near Midnight Stone. They were all caught and they're in prison but they refuse to talk. They're not giving up their leader or whoever orchestrated it so they're waiting for me to return and... take care of the situation."

"Oh...Ok, well, do what you gotta do."

"What if I need to torture or kill them? How would you feel?"

"Liam, sometimes you have to take a life to save a life. Those who live by the hierarchy don't need to worry about those around them. Rogues are dangerous. Do you think I thought twice about killing Shelley? Hell the fuck no! It's kill or be killed. Do or die. And I'm planning to do a lot more doing. And I expect you to do the same."

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