Chapter Forty Eight

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Tia's POV

The past few months were a breeze outside of the normal pregnancy symptoms. I was always hungry and thirsty. I ate something almost every hour like clockwork. I peed every 15 minutes so I started working from the bedroom. I was always horny but Liam didn't complain. We had fucked on every surface of the house. No matter where we were or who was around, I pounced on him. They'd scatter like flies. I cried over stupid things. It took me a week to get over watching Moana with Liam. And I learned what my Luna tone was. That sucker is like an angry lion's roar. It scared me the first time but I was upset that Liam ate my Doritos. He accepted all my flaws and was at every appointment. I could tell I was stressing him out but the constant sex kept him really happy.

My old bedroom has turned into our nursery. Liam did all the planning but I bought everything Amazon had to offer. There were packages every other day. He did the finishing touches and we went down for dinner. A 'simple' meal consisting of fried chicken, mac-and-cheese, shrimp alfredo, steamed broccoli, sweet potatoes and a plain cheesecake...all my preferences of course. As I indulged in my lavish meal, I felt a little heartburn shoot through my stomach.

"Liam, baby, give me your coke."

"Get your own."

"Stop fucking with me Liam. Give me some. I think I got heartburn."

"Here. Don't drink all my stuff, Tia."

I snatched his drink and rolled my eyes at him. As soon as I brought it to my lips, a stabbing pain shot through my abdomen. I squeezed the glass and broke it.

"Dammit Tia! I said don't drink it all. But did you have to spill it?"


Is all I could say. I felt a gush of warmth flow into the chair and down my legs.

"Shit, Liam!"

"What? What's wrong with you?"

"My water broke."


He stood from his seat in a panic and peered over the table between my legs. I sat shocked and watched his movements.

"Shit! I'll get a car!"

"You better not fucking leave me here!" Tell Brutus to come!"

"They're all training! Fuck, Tia! You shouldn't have put all that goddamn hot sauce on your shit!"

"Don't blame me! And stop freaking out! You're making me scared!"

I started crying. He scooped my wet ass out of the chair and ran up the stairs to the front door. He set me steady on my feet and ran out to the garage. It took him all of two minutes to pull around in a car. I went to go get in when the pain struck again. I doubled over and held my enormous belly as I squeezed at the door frame and grunted. He quickly got out of the car to come to my aid.

"Don't touch me!"

I swatted him away. He was a nervous wreck and I stayed doubled over until the pain subsided. I took quick breaths and grabbed his hand. We slowly made our way to the car and sped off.

"You're gonna kill all three of us driving like that! Slow down, Li-aaaaaaaaaa! Shit! This child is coming out my aaaassssss!"

"Don't say that! Stop pushing! Shit! We'll be there in two minutes, hold it in!"

"I can't hold something in that's ripping it's way out, jerkface!"

"We're almost there. Hold on."

I continued to scream my pain away. So much for the epidural my mom told me to ask for. We had planned the entire delivery process with the hospital staff. None of this shit was according to our birth plan. We made it there in record time thanks to Liam's erratic driving. They wheeled out a gurney and rolled me to a delivery suite. They shredded my clothes off and draped me in a gown as the contractions immobilized me. I quickly got into stirrups and started to push. Liam tried his best to comfort me but all of my pain turned into anger towards him. I would apologize in between pushes as he dabbed my head with a cool towel. Then when a contraction hit and I started to push a watermelon out of my vagina, I would curse him out and threaten to kill him. He never let go of my hand even though I tried to rip his off...that's love.

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