Chapter Twenty Six

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Liam's POV

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Liam's POV

I headed down to breakfast and made a huge portion and grabbed one of those cold coffees Tia likes to drink, she's going to need it. I had skipped dinner yesterday and had a lot of drinks. I didn't get drunk like Tia, but I definitely had some residual alcohol effects. I saw my warriors and 'new brother-in-law' so I went and sat with them. They were talking about hunting and fighting tactics and that's like a key to my heart. I love a good hunt and Titan absolutely loves a good fight. He's a fucking psychopath. I had just finished my plate when I saw My Love walk in. She sat next to me so I shook and gave her the coffee. I could tell she appreciated this small gesture. We continued to talk and they said they wanted to try a few things with Robert. Apparently he's going into warrior training and was needing a little help. We went to their training grounds and fucked off for a while. All of our wolves were ready to go on a run so we didn't stay long. Tia walked ahead and went behind a tree but we were so involved in a conversation, I didn't pay enough attention.

As we neared the treeline, a big black wolf appeared. I'm talking massive, almost as big as me. I was taken by surprise and we stopped. My warriors and I were on the verge of shifting ready for a battle when Robert told us it was Tia. I studied her features and remembered she had described her wolf to me. But I wasn't expecting this. She said she was bigger than most females but her pure black fur tells me she's a descendant of Lycan's. I didn't know what to make of it and just stood there with my mouth open and my eyes bulging out of my head. Tyler, being the fucking goofball that he is, asked to rub her. No wolf likes to be petted, I thought, but she actually agreed. As he approached, she watched his every movement. Her glistening hazel eyes studied him as his hand hovered overhead. I think he was scared and I found it hilarious. I'll be sure to tease him about it later. She nudged her head forcing him to touch her. She actually likes to be petted? When he grabbed her face and was too close, Titan growled out of jealousy. He quickly got his mind right and backed off. She made her way to me, bowed, and licked my hand sending volts of electricity to my heart. I bent down to study her amazing features and she licked my entire face. I'm pretty sure it was Deva who did it. Horny wolf. I gave her pets and walked away to stash my clothes. The fellas met up with me and we shifted. I took the time to greet Robert, Titan approved him and told me his name was Bandit. I like that name. I rushed out to my mate and let the others greet Bandit as we walked out. She was just standing there in all her majesty waiting for me to accept her. I knew Titan would and we nuzzled her affectionately as we put our scent on her.

I walked with her to the fellas so they could greet their Luna. She accepted my guards and bit Robert for not showing respect. She released a howl to signal the start, I was shocked that they immediately followed her command. She's a natural born leader. As we ran, I stared at her with pride. They were playing tag and while I was distracted by my mate, Tyler tagged me. She was right next to me so I was about to get her. She did some amazing maneuvers and slipped out of my grasp. Since Will was nearby, I turned my attention to him. I chased him down even with his bobbing and weaving and tagged him. I glanced around to see where Tia was and I didn't see her. I stopped short and put my nose in the air for her scent. She wasn't with us. Apparently Tyler was now it and thought he had me when he pounced out of the bushes but he quickly noticed my serious demeanor.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

" I can't find Tia's scent."

"She's probably just hiding."

"No. She's not with us... Will, get here. Now! Something's off! Let's turn back!"

We treaded fast and soft, hunter's style, to listen for any sounds. We got in formation and thankfully Robert is a great hunter so he knew the drill. I picked up a faint scent and barked for the others. They came and we tracked back in that direction. After a good 50 yards I heard a loud howl of pain.

"My mate! She's in trouble! Move!"

We ran fast and hard through the trees. A couple of minutes felt like years. I have to find her! We followed the scent and I could hear the sound of a struggle. Snarls and growls were just ahead. My heart was ready to explode from the amount of terror. As we cleared a treeline I heard the crack of bones followed by the sound of flesh being torn. I know that sound, it's the sound of death. My entire body went numb. I pounded the ground as much as I could to get there. To find her. We reached a clearing and there she was. Blood was everywhere and she stood over her attacker's dead body. She spit out a chunk of flesh and fur as her eyes drifted to us. They were glowing. Her eyes. They were glowing. The glow slowly dimmed to the normal hazel color. I could tell she was mindlinking with Robert. She tried to walk away and a loud yelp escaped her lips. I rushed to her to inspect her injuries. It was bad. There was a deep gash on her face, a chunk missing from her neck, she was bleeding from the side and her front leg. My heart broke. I turned to Robert hoping he would understand that I wanted her to shift so I could carry her. He looked at her for a moment and she turned to look at me. Thank Goddess he understood. She let out a huff of air and shifted. She can shift faster than any wolf I know. It was shocking. Her body was in such bad shape, she collapsed. She was gasping for air, there's no doubt in my mind she has broken ribs. My soul was broken. I shifted quickly and scooped her up. Robert led the way as I ran in human form with her in my arms.

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