Chapter 1: 7am

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All I could see was darkness.

I pushed my hand out into the darkness, something pushed back

"Who is there?!" I screamed, spinning rapidly.

I started pushing out into the darkness and each time something pushed back

"We See Your Fears" Multiple voices said in unison

I was pushed to the ground.

"WHO ARE YOU!" I tried screaming, but it only came out as a whisper.

"PLEASE I beg you..." I curled into a ball, tears streaming down my face.

something emerged from the shadows and looked down upon me.

I could feel the heavy gaze laid on me.

I looked up to see a horrifying creature looming over me.

"What are you-" It lunged at me grabbing my throat and with a long needle-like leg- or hoof?

It lifted it and plunged it deep into my chest.

I jolted up, sweat dripped down my chin, or, maybe it was tears. I gasped for air as I frantically found my surroundings.

What happened..?

I was in my room, specifically in my bed, obviously I had fallen asleep.

I glanced over at my alarm clock which read 5:37am. I could have gotten a few more minutes of sleep, but I knew that my mind wouldn't be able to rest after having a dream like that.

That's the third time I've had this dream...

I looked down at my hands, I can't go to school like this, I have to actually fit in...

I quickly gathered myself together, sliding my legs over the bedside. I carefully got up, my legs were wobbly and my head hurt, but my mind was still rather stable.

I turned around and began making my bed although my mind wouldn't keep me focused.

What is that creature? Why is it so big? Why is it still haunting me? There has to be an explanation to this... there has to!

By the time I had snapped out of my head, my bed had been made, so I started towards the bathroom.

A nice warm shower might help me clear my mind... I walked into my bathroom, noticing the clothes that were on the counter. I had put them there the day before.

I let out a yawn as I turned the shower on. After about a minute, the water was warm enough for me to get in, and so I undressed and got in.

My eyes were heavy through my time in the shower causing me to almost drift off several times.

Once I was finished showering, I opened my curtains, grabbing the navy blue towel that hung on a hook and wrapped it around my waist,

Refreshing, Alright, I'm awake now.

I picked up my toothbrush, wetted it and put on some toothpaste before starting to brush my teeth.

Oh my god- school starts today- Shit... What will they think about me? Wait- what time does it start?!

As I brushed my teeth, I pulled out my phone, went to safari and looked up my new school.

People people... Why should you come to our school... Ah, there, times and dates. I pressed on the link which sent me to a small website with the dates of breaks and the time school started and ended.

SEVEN AM?! WHAT KIND OF SCHOOL STARTS AT SEVEN AM?! I looked at the time on my phone, it had just hit 5:50 meaning I had about an hour before I had to go, but only around forty five minutes before I should go.

I quickly spat out the toothpaste before cupping my hand under the faucet of cold water and slurping some up. I then swished the water around my mouth before spitting it back out.

I dried my hands and grabbed my shirt. It was my gray shirt with white letters that said 'NATO' on it. I threw my shirt on and then continued dressing myself.

Once I had finished putting on my clothes, I started to brush my hair, putting some gel in it beforehand.

It only took like five seconds for me to brush my hair into a satisfying position, so when I had that I walked out, heading towards my kitchen in the dark of night.

I opened my pantry and grabbed my favorite cereal, a bowl and the milk from the fridge before creating my favorite breakfast, a bowl of sugary cereal.

As usual, the bowl of cereal was gone in seconds, being refilled two times before being put into the sink as a dirty dish.

I made my way towards the door after gathering some school supplies. I didn't know where the school was so I would leave at 6:15 am giving me about forty five minutes to get there.

I opened the front door wishing my three day hotel room goodbye for now and walking out. Based on my phone, I was within ten minutes of the school, but since it was pitch black outside with a tiny slim of the crescent moon, I could barely see anything.

After around fifteen minutes of relentless walking The school came into sight. It was a plain old looking school, but it was gigantic for only the 170ish students that were attending the school.

I walked up to the door of the school, testing to see if it was open, it was not. I nodded, looking to my sides, on the right were some vending machines while on the left was a bench. I noted these things down in my head before taking a left and sitting on the bench.

The school was called The Country's County Academy which to me seemed 'Sooo Original'. What do I do if I am thirty minutes early? In the corner of my eye I saw something move, and then a branch break.

"Who's there..?" I watched the spot carefully, slowly pulling out my phone. I pulled up my instagram, taking my attention off of the creepy noise after nothing had responded.

I kept switching apps every two seconds.

Before I knew it, it was 6:45, I slid my phone into my pocket and looked at the sunrise admiring its beauty before heading towards the populating door.

Most of the countries were in groups consisting of five to six countries of the same gender, from the same continent or siblings.

Even better, not only do they already have groups, but almost everyone is taller than me!

Although I was told that Canada goes here, I wonder where he is right now...

As I rummaged through my thoughts, the loud bell started to ring even though it was ten minutes before our classes started they started letting us in.

"Alright, first day of school... Here we go." I whispered under my breath, watching as the countries in groups said bye to one another and started making their way into the school

"What could go wrong..?" I took a deep breath and walked in.


Spell checks 1

Been trying to put all of these chapters into this book for awhile, but i lost all access to wattpad, so here you go, 23 chapters that ive taken about two weeks to write.

-1152 words

2/9/23 Update:

I recreated this chapter, so if you are just now reading this, the first try at this chapter will be in the extra's

Also, I will be giving each redone chapter a name, have fun and enjoy!


Once Upon a Time (A Rusame Story) ~CountryHumans AU~Where stories live. Discover now