Chapter 39: Back Again?

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"I know you're there, come out. I won't say it again." I looked over my shoulder at the bushes behind me. Several cracking branches before had told me that someone was watching me.

"Tch, tch, tch." A red halo was the first thing I noticed out of the bushes. Then some long, needle sharp fingers pried apart the bushes, showing who really stood watching me from the bushes.

"EU, Interesting how you'd show your face after what you've done." A long slimy red tail trailed on the ground after EU, it left blood like marks in its place.

"You sssssaid we had a deal Russsssia." I sat up on the metal bench I was on.

"You see, we did have a deal." I emphasized my words, signaling to the other countries in the trees.

"What the hell?" Eu looked down at his feet, frozen in mid step. I looked down to see Ice freezing his feet to the ground. He scratched at the Ice, but all it did was spread to his fingers.

"Shit! Get me out of here, Russia!" EU called out for my help, but I didn't care.

"Come out, guys." Iceland and Egypt walked out of the trees, both were using their awakening at the moment. EU jerked, trying to break out of the Ice, but he failed miserably. The Ice had been fortified with a lot of energy from Iceland. It was stronger and much more durable than usual ice, but Iceland couldn't hold it as long.

"What do you want from me?!" EU sounded scared and nervous. I took a step closer to EU, looking him up and down. His hands had been frozen to the Ice block leaving him defenseless.

"Look how weak you are. So vulnerable." My finger traced along his back as I circled him causing him to shiver.

"I could slit your throat right now, without a problem. Or maybe I should gouge out your eyes and shove them down your throat for what you have done to us?" I could hear Iceland and Egypt take a step back as I spoke. EU's eyes widened and he tried becoming smaller.

"Speak before I freeze your fucking throat so badly that you wont be able to make a sound." EU let out a squeak before speaking.

"I don't know what you want me to say!" Although you were one of our teachers, you are young. EU was around 22 while the other teachers were way older.

"Tell me your fucking plan. Explain to me what the hell you and the others are up to." I activated my power, using Iceland's own awakening to slowly raise the Ice to his knees.

"Okay! Okay! I don't know the plan! They just told me to try and make a deal with you!" EU started to panic, words tumbled out of his mouth.

"Hmm." I placed my hand on EU's neck, forcing him to look me in the eye. His eyes were filled with fear, and nervousness. I smiled.

"Tell me where to find them." I watched as he locked his lips, not saying anything.

"Okay, if that's how you want to play it." Ice began to freeze over his neck. The longer he didn't speak, the longer I let the ice spread. Soon the Ice had made it to his bottom lip, freezing over.

He let out a cold cough signaling it had frozen some part of his throat on the inside.

"O-ay!" I removed my hand from his neck letting him speak. Before he could even say another word, he began hacking up some blood and Ice. When he finally stopped, he took a breath and looked at me.

"You can find them at the largest blackened tree on the night of the full moon!" I took a step back, studying his movements. His breath came in painful ragged gasps, most likely caused by his idiotic decision to test me.

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