Chapter 51: Danger

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"Why are you here? Did someone invite you?" 

"No, I simply heard about you three and I felt I could be of a helping hand to you."

"Japan, why is he here?"

"I dont know! I didn't say anything."

"Italy do you know?"

"No, I mean I know he goes to school with Russia and America, but otherwise I do not know why he is here."

Italy pointed to the ground.

"Okay. So how did you know we were here?"

"A little birdie told me."

Nazí took a sharp breath

"I am going to ask you one more time before I slit your throat, how did you find out about us?"

"I was there when you teleported here last year, I watched from the trees. I watched you talk with Britain as you tried to get him on our side. I've been here."

"Well shit."

"Japan keep it together."

"Your brother goes to this school, Imperial."

"Really? Japan goes to this school? Well fuck!"

Imperial threw out his hands

"Alright, enough of the chitter chatter. China, why the hell do you want to join us?"

"Because you have something against the top and I do too, I believe with us four working together with the possibility of Britain on our side, we could be unstoppable."

"I hate to burst your bubble, but Germany is already with us, why would we need a fifth person?"

"Germany? Germany is untrustworthy, he should not be responsible for anything. Trust me."

"Germany is my brother."

"Oh shit-"

"What is your power?"

"I have control over people's emotions for a certain amount of time."


"Nazí, why should I tell you my weakness?"

"Tell me your weakness or I'll gouge out your eyes."

"Woah woah, calm down Naz, My weakness is of many things, Barricades around one's mind, pain, and distance."

Nazí stared at China, annoyance caked itself over his face like mud on a shoe.

"You have many weaknesses."

"Yes, but I have many strengths."

"Japan, Italy, let's go."

Nazí turned away from China and began to walk when China yelped out.

"Wait wait! I swear I could be of use! Just give me a chance!"

Nazí smiled as China practically begged to be let into his group.

"As I said to Britain. Someone will meet you at the Café tomorrow around sunhigh, be there or don't. This is your one way in."

"What will this person tell me?"

Nazí continued to walk, ignoring the Chinese man's question.

"See you at sunhigh."


"I'm fine." I grabbed Russia's wrist as he tried prodding my newly healed wound which still stung a bit.

Once Upon a Time (A Rusame Story) ~CountryHumans AU~Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя