Chapter 57; A plan to start

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Poland landed gracefully, his golden wings folding behind him, ready for action. Egypt and Japan, on foot, took in the scene before them. Iceland stood to his feet a sword held comfortably in his hand, the air around them shimmering with an icy aura.

"What... The... Hell...?" Poland echoed, his eyes wide with disbelief at the sight before him.

Iceland, his eyes glowing a bright blue, turned to face the countries. The intensity in his gaze sent a chill down Poland's spine. Germany, standing with his back against the tree held an air of composure. His glasses reflecting the dappled sunlight filtering through the forest, watched the unfolding scene with a mixture of Anger and frustration.

"Poland, Japan, Egypt... what are you doing here?" Iceland's voice carried a mixture of surprise and irritation.

"We heard you and Germany were here. What's going on?" Japan demanded, eyeing the sword that was now held back in Iceland's hand.

Greenland, standing a few paces away, watched the unfolding scene with a conflicted expression. The sword in Iceland's hand was a cold reminder of what emotions simmered beneath his skin.

Iceland's grip on the sword tightened.

"What does it look like? I'm finally putting an end to the one who took everything from me." Iceland lifted his hand, pointing the sword aggressively at Germany. Poland exchanged a worried glance with Japan and Egypt. The urgency of the situation was undeniable, and they needed to find a way to defuse the gaining tension.

"Iceland, vengeance won't bring your brother back. It'll only continue the cycle of pain," Egypt spoke with a calm authority, his eyes locked onto Iceland's. Iceland's gaze flickered with a mixture of anger and anguish.

"You don't understand! He killed Greenland once already, and he took him away from me! I can't take the chance of it happening once again." Poland stepped forward cautiously.

"Iceland, we get it. We know what Germany did, but this isn't the way. Killing him won't satisfy you. It'll only consume you." Iceland's eyes blazed with determination.

"I don't care. He deserves to suffer just as I have." Germany, remaining surprisingly composed given the circumstances, interjected.

"Iceland, listen. I understand your pain, but revenge won't heal the wounds. It'll only create more suffering." His annoyance and anger he had earlier was gone.

Iceland's grip on the sword wavered for a moment. The internal struggle between vengeance and reason played out across his face. The cold air even seemed to hold it's breath as Iceland debated on what to do. Poland, sensing an opportunity, took a step closer.

"Iceland, please. We're here for you. Killing Germany won't bring peace. Let's find another way to deal with this." The clearing fell into a heavy silence as Iceland wavered, torn between the want for revenge and the plea for reason. Greenland, watching his brother's split intentions, took a heasitant step forward.

"Poland is right, Iceland. Revenge won't heal what he has already done. It won't undo the pain you've been caused," Greenland spoke softly, his eyes filled with a mixture of sorrow and understanding.

Iceland's shoulders slumped, the weight of his grief and anger taking its toll. He placed the sword back on the ground looking over at Poland then at Greenland.

"Are you happy now? Iceland lowered his head into his hands as Greenland stalked to his side, wrapping his arms around his brother. Egypt looked over at Germany, readying himself to start explaining what is going on. Germany relaxed his arms walking over towards Egypt and Japan.

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