Chapter 30: Challenge

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I woke up to being suffocated by a pillow

"mhph shufmff murph!" I yelled, trying and failing to push the pillow off my face.

"Wake up, Sleepyhead." Russia's voice woke me up instantly. The pillow was lifted from my face to reveal a ready Russia standing over me.

"I'm Up! Im Up!" I said, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes as I sat up.

"God, Why did you wake me so early???" I groaned looking at the time which read something like 4 am. The Russian had already walked off, leaving the light on.

So pissy... I turned over, laying back down, I squeezed my eyes shut, turned away from the bright light, and allowed my consciousness to slip from my grasp once again.

I awoke in my army gear, a gun rested in my hand and a small trench hid me from oncoming fire.

"Ah, so I found you?" A voice spoke drifting around me.

"Hello?" I asked, spinning rapidly around

"Such a fragile little country under all that tough gear and skin." The voice sounded right in my ear, I whipped around hitting nothing but air.

"Who are you!" The sky began to turn red along with the grass. I looked down to see blood trickling down on every blade of grass.

"What the?" I picked up my rifle holding it on my shoulder.

"Look at all the blood you have spilled." The voice said, sending chills down my spine.

I turned around to see the school come into vision through the light fog that covered the ground. Students stood wearily at the entrance staring at me with confusion and sadness and pain. Some countries stood out from the rest.

I saw unearthly tall Russia staring at me, nothing but pain on his face, Egypt stood confused, but hatred filled his eyes. Finland held poor Sweden who had gunshot wounds through his stomach Kazakhstan's wings had been ripped from his back while he stood hunched over.

Iceland had bloody Ice frozen over his cuts that ripped deep into his arms, Anger covered his face.

Japan had a spear in his hand with another stabbed through his legs, he looked like he was in the midst of attacking.

Mexico and Switzerland were huddled together, Mexico's hat had holes torn into it and his skin had cuts scattered everywhere on him, Switzerland looked much worse with pieces of flesh hanging from some spots, bones showing in others, he had obviously been trying to protect the Mexican country.

Aussie, Canada, and New Zealand all had been hurt, Aussie's arm was broken while Canada stood in front of him, shielding any blows from the invisible attacker, New Zealand was standing almost unharmed, just shocked.

I looked over to see Russia's siblings, Belarus and Ukraine, bloodied flowers showering their feet, while venomous snakes twined around them, posing to bite at any second.

Everything was frozen in time, even Germany and Argentina who stood back to back, Shadows around protecting them as golden diamonds warped reality.

They had little to no scratches, but their faces showed something more, Fear and pain. Where is the pain coming from? Inside? I asked myself looking around to see Greece and SK standing next to each other, looking at each other with fear, Fire, and water had stopped in time as it emerged from their hands.

Ireland lay in a corner, death plastered on his face.

Is he really dead..?

NK and Philippines tried fighting something, but NK had been blinded by what looked like acid and Philip had broken several bones in his legs.

Once Upon a Time (A Rusame Story) ~CountryHumans AU~Where stories live. Discover now