Character 10: Blinded Fate

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(Not my song, but a song that I felt matches the chapter sort of well)


"What is going on?! I can't see anything! Why are you guys so quiet?!" What happened to EU? Where is everybody... I feel so alone...

Russia squeezed my arm and I shut up, I felt relieved knowing that someone was still with me.

"America, EU has turned into some kind of unholy creature. Russia is in front of you. We are trying to figure out how to get out of here. I need you to stay quiet okay?" Egypt whispered in my ear and I nodded a response. I listened for any kind of movement, but I got none.

Please... Eyes open... I need to help my friends.

Suddenly light flooded my vision, I stumbled back into Egypt as I tried to cover my eyes from the bright light. It took around five minutes to get my vision back, I could see! Egypt looked at me and his eyes widened

"America! You can see?!" Russia quickly turned around, away from the Disgusting beast who Planted its hind legs bracing for a pounce.

"RUSSIA!" I pushed my hand forward as the creature jumped up and suddenly It stopped. Russia swiftly turned around to see the beast floating in the air.

"America.... Are- you doing that?" I retracted my hand and it fell.

"I Think he is,'' said Japan.

"So, you can see the future and have magic?" Egypt asked

"I- I guess so.." I looked back at the creature. It had recovered and was now back on all fours. I quickly Lifted it into the air.

"Um, what do I do with it now?" I looked at Russia. He hadn't gotten power yet but he was still quite strong, he didn't need powers to be.

"Just- I don't know." Suddenly japan lifted his hands and a metal cage made with several strings of intertwining iron that sat sharp at the tip appeared.

"Put him in that." Japan said annoyed, slowly I set the beast down in the cage, he squirmed as his skin got caught on the needle sharp stakes from the cage.

"EU, What is wrong with you?" UN asked after he had reappeared next to the cage. Japan, Egypt, Russia and I all looked at UN.

"You have no right to speak! What the hell is your problem? You were going to let us die." Russia stormed over to UN and grabbed him by the neck.

"Russia, that's a little harsh." I whispered, not daring to intervene in Russia's angry state. "Russia. Put. Me. Down." UN Spoke sternly, trying to scare Russia into letting go, but the Russian stood frozen.

"Russia... Be careful..." I spoke quietly, Please don't get yourself hurt... Suddenly UN disappeared out of Russia's hands causing Russia to stumble a couple steps forward.

Japan and Egypt rushed over to Russia as the beast tried clawing them through the bars of its cage.

I had started walking over to Russia, Egypt and Japan when someone grabbed me from behind. This person pressed a long and sharp metal knife against my throat after tying my wrist together at an incomprehensible speed.

"Russia-" I gasped out just before they slid their hand over my mouth. Based on the blue hand with all of the white markings I could tell that It was UN...

"America!" UN pushed the knife deeper into my neck. It hadn't cut deep enough to draw blood yet, but I felt the burn of it cutting the first layer of my skin.

"Take a step closer and your lover dies, Russia." Russia stopped in his tracks, his eyebrows furrowed as some unknown thought crossed his mind.

"Lover? He isn't my lover. Kill him. I wouldn't care, In fact you can kill him right now and I wouldn't shed a tear. I have never liked him. From the day he stepped on this campus, I have hated him." I stared at Russia, tears began to well up in my eyes. My legs gave out in my sheer horror and I looked down. A tear streamed down my face.

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