Chapter 6: Bruised and Broken

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It has been two days since I found that letter, which means tomorrow the 'big thing' will happen...Right?

It seems Russia has warmed up to me some. He hasn't tried to fight me, yet, but we are taking big steps!

"Hey Russia! Good morning! How'd you sleep?" I was already ready for school while Russia was just waking up.

"Ugh, Very fucking poorly, Espeasially cause im on the couch." he sent me a glare from where he was on the couch.

"Why are you up and ready so early?" He asked, still annoyed with our decision to take turns on who gets the bed

"Why aren't you, is the real question! School starts in thirty minutes, and I finally get to go! I'll actually get to see what all four of my periods are!" Russia rolled his eyes, and got up. He walked into the bedroom and about 5 minutes later he walked out in a weird jacket and his ushanka.

"Hey, also, you don't HAVE to sleep on the couch, you are totally capable of sleeping in the bed!" I got a death stare as a response.

"Okay- okay! Calm down, it was just a joke! Jesus..." Russia's usual cold face appeared as

We walked slowly to class talking about what we thought the note meant.

Well, it was only really me talking, every so often I'd hear a grunt from Russia though.

We finally made it to Math class and found our seats rather quickly, I sat with my brother who happened to be in our class as well, and Russia sat over with his siblings, Kazakhstan and Belarus I believe their names were

~After Class~

About one and a half hours later I walked out, more brain dead, I had lost more brain cells throughout the class.

Russia walked out right next to me, although he had not paid attention at all to that class.

"Okay, next class. Hmmmm, Science!" Russia looked at me, then looked back in front of him.

"Following you!" I said upbeat, he didn't say anything, he just started to walk down the hallway. Soon we made it to the science class, he walked in with me, forcing a question into my head. Why does he have all of the same classes as me?

"Welcome, Class. Today we will be doing an experiment..." I drifted into my thoughts. What if something bad happens tomorrow... What if the school gets blown up or something? It wouldn't, no one has the power to blow up this school... Right? Maybe something good will happen? I mean they could give us all candy, possibly some mcdonalds? or maybe we just have a fun day at school! Or maybe they will announce a change in the rankings! Hmm, maybe they created an automatic healing medicine so you can have as many rank challenges as you want! I would totally challenge Russia if they had that! So many times! He can't possibly be that hard to beat... Well I mean he probably is because China was hard to defeat, oh yeah! I've healed up pretty well, I'm super close to being fully healed, but they said I have to wait a week after I am fully healed to challenge another person. Meh, I could totally challenge him while UN isnt looking! Maybe I could ju-

"AMERICA!" the teacher yelled, I snapped out of my thoughts and looked over at our teacher, her face was filled with annoyance.

"Wha- what happened, I'm sorry, I spaced out, what do you need?" She looked at me with disapproval, I looked over to see Russia just chilling, he stared back at me unnervingly calm.

"I need you and Russia to come up here, since you two are the top of the school." she said

"Ugh" Russia groaned as he got up slowly.

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