Chapter 48: What's This Feeling?

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No one

"Why have you called me here?"

"Because I believe you would be a great addition to our team."

"What would I get out of it?"

"Perhaps your precious son back? Maybe more land and islands."

"Sounds appealing, what do you want from me?"

"Nothing for now, but later we will have stuff for you."

"What would these things be like?"

"Oh nothing too hard... Simple things like capturing certain countries and luring them into the forest."

"Sounds fine."

"Does that mean you're in?"


"But dont think for a second that I won't kill you like I did last time, Nazí."

Nazí laughed menacingly as he intertwined his fingers together, leaning on the table.

"Well obviously you didn't kill me last time, so we'll see how well that goes for you, Britain."

Britain's monocle reflected the dull light above the table. He stared at Nazí, his face full of hatred and interest.

"We will meet again, someone will meet you tomorrow at the café with a time and date that you will meet us." Nazi paused looking back at Imperial Japan who watched silently.

"If you don't show, we will find you and this time there will be no America to stop us."

"Germany come on! You're walking so slow!" Greenland pulled Germany along as the lengthy country ran, Germany barely caught himself multiple times as Greenland walked too fast.

"Slow down! Slow down! I can't keep up!" Germany laughed as he caught himself again. Greenland took this as a challenge and tried running faster.

"Greenland! The hospital is right there!" Greenland slid to a stop and turned towards Germany so suddenly that Germany ended up running into him, throwing Greenland over with Germany landing on top.

Greenlands face coated in a bright red as he looked up at the German man who hovered right over him.

"Uh- ehm-'' Germany stuttered, flustered by the position they landed in. He quickly rose to his feet and helped Greenland up

"I'm sorry!" Greenland yelped and Germany shook his head.

"No, that's my fault, I apologize." Greenland showed a hesitated smile towards Germany before he started walking towards the hospital

"Um, do you think Iceland's alright?" Greenland asked and Germany wavered, he didn't have too high of hopes for the Icelandic man, but he also didn't want to break Greenlands heart with his own opinion of the situation.

"Yeah, I think he could recover, I mean he is used to the cold weather right?" Germany tried to snuff out the lying tone he had, but he worried that Greenland caught some of it.

"Yeah, I think he will pull through... I hope he does... I couldn't imagine a world without him..." Germany noticed Greenland fiddling with his fingers as anxiety crawled up his face and into his voice.

Germany kindly put his arm around Greenlands neck, pulling him in for a gentle yet loving hug, Greenland smiled at Germany's kindness as they both seemingly forgot about the past events.

"Let's go check on Iceland." Germany walked the Greenlandic into the hospital, slowly finding their way to Iceland's room.

"I believe this is it..." Greenland spoke quietly, nervousness clawing at his face as he stared at the sliding wooden door.

Once Upon a Time (A Rusame Story) ~CountryHumans AU~Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum