Chapter 44: Help Me

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This is not my song, but it's a song that I found and its pretty good!

Alright, onto the story!!

No one

As Russia was falling, his phone buzzed in his pocket, and while America sat on the bed, his phone shook behind him.

The same thing happened with Turkey and Georgia, and Sweden with Finland, as well as Egypt and Japan.

Germany was with Greenland when this happened to him and Kazakhstan was with Argentina when his phone rang out,

Switzerland with EU, Mexico with Poland, and Philippines by himself.

Simultaneously, each and every one of them looked at their phones, reading the exact same message.

"Help me."

From South Korea. Without another second, Russia took Kazakhstan's power, landing at the front of the school,

America jolted up and bolted towards the main hall,

Turkey and Georgia stared at each other for just a moment before panicking and rushing to meet with Russia and America,

Finland snatched Sweden's hand and dragged him along as he ran, Sweden yelped in fear,

Japan activated his power, opening a hole in the wall and creating a bridge of items as he and Egypt pushed through the stuff in the way.

Kazakhstan activated his power and spread his wings, grabbing Argentina with his talons and flying towards the school.

Greenland questioned the noise and was quickly told what happened by Germany, they looked at eachother, Germany nervous and Greenland pissed. Germany summoned his wolf jade and picked up Greenland as he stumbled out of his dorm.

Switzerland grabbed EU, and told the group, Poland and Mexico, to follow him without any context and bolted out of the meeting.

Philippines stayed calm and began jogging towards the main entrance.

As if it was all planned, every country arrived at almost the exact same time, looking at each other as if they were in a murder mystery.

"Did you all get the same text?" America spoke as the countries continued to look around. Everycountry looked at each other before Switzerland stepped forward with EU in his hands.

"Yes, I believe we all did." America nodded as Germany stepped up and spoke his part.

"I think we should head towards the hospital, that is where he is most likely to be." America looked around at the group, jotting down everyone's powers in his mind.

"Thank you, Germany..." America paused, finalizing his list.

"Russia, Kazakhstan, Poland and Mexico, You four should go ahead and we will meet you there. Russia use Mexico's power and Mexico be careful where you step." Mexico, Kaz and Poland nodded in agreement and America looked at them, but America had yet to grow enough courage to look at Russia again.

"The rest of us will walk unless you have suddenly gotten a new power to make you faster." America told everyone their part.

"Um, Can I go? My shadows can get me there." Germany asked America who looked at the German and nodded.

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