InterChapter: Home?

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I watched silently as Germany walked off into the misty forest that surrounded our home. It's not like I care, I give it a few days- if that -before you come crawling back to me.

I spun on my heels, walking back towards the door of our cabin. So stupid, why the hell would he think he's soooo important? I'm the one who's doing everything. Of course he gets us SOME food, but I am the one who is getting the money.

I punched open the front door, stomping in. Germany has no right to tell me- his OLDER BROTHER -what I am or what I do.

I slammed the door behind me, before storming over towards our elder couch and plopping down on it. A small crack sounded when my weight hit it, but after all, it was old. My family hadn't gotten anything new since before I was born, but we had still made it through even without the rich kid stuff.

I looked at our broken TV that hadn't worked for around five years. Germany won't truly leave right? I turned towards the hallway that led to the front door.

"For fucks sake, I wouldnt care if you died, Germany." I knew that no one was in the house with me, but I still wanted to let my anger out.

I punched my fist into the wooden coffee table in front of me, although it hurt badly, it also felt good.

"You know what, I'll just go hang out with Italy and I. J." I jolted up onto my feet and started back towards the front door, since it was only around twelve o' clock I would be able to make it to Japan's house before nightfall, then We'd message Italy although I never really liked him, he had gotten into my graces several times.

I opened the door after putting on my ragged tennis shoes, grabbed my packing bag and stepped out into the muddy walkway that led to the highway, which was around a mile away from MY own house.

This is going to be a long walk, maybe I should end up getting a phone and internet.

I let out a sigh and started my journey towards the roadway, spruce trees lined the pathway that had been made by many travelers throughout the years.

A random thought entered my mind as I picked up the pace. If I ever needed to go into hiding, here would be the best place, but the only problem would be Germany. He would have to be eradicated first. I hit my wrist as a mosquito tried to bite me.

Damn it, so many gosh darn bugs out here. I dug into my pockets trying to find my small Citronella candle that I had placed in my pocket for these occasions. Where is it? I started pulling out things, anger growing in my stomach.

Matches, pocket knife, random hair tie, small tetris game that I had found on the ground in town one time, a piece of cloth and some headphones. Where the heck? I put everything back into my pockets before trying the pockets on my chest, which ended up having my candle.

You need fire, Nazí, I looked at my candle temporarily forgetting my matches. How would I make fire? Oh my god, the matches, dumbass.

I shoved my hand into my pocket and pulled out the small tin of matches, it had a little lighting area on it. I put my candle between my lips and lit the flame, I held the match straight up giving me time to put away the match tin and get the candle out of my mouth.

Carefully, I put the bright orange flame onto the wick of the candle, setting it aflame within seconds, the flame burned down to my fingers before I could put it out, causing me to drop it onto the dirt ground with a loud hiss, my fingertips were left burned.

The fire began to spread to surrounding leaves, but before It could spread too much, I stomped it out.

Okay, no more detours, it's getting later by the minute. I looked up at the sky and estimated the time. Twelve thirty? I would be able to confirm it once I'd get to Japan's

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