Chapter 40: So Cold... :o

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Moments after I had made it out of the treeline I got a text from Iceland. The text was to our group chat which worried me, Iceland never messages in the group chat.

Although I had a couple of splinters, multiple cuts and hundreds bruises on my aching body, I knew this was important so I fastened my pace.

Meet in his dorm room? But there is no way everyone will fit? Even knowing that Iceland's dorm was bigger, it still couldn't fit all of us, but we had to try.

I pushed in the school doors, muffling a whimper as the scrapes on my arms flared up in pain. You're alright, America, you've dealt with worse. I reassured myself although it wasn't too reassuring. Another thought stirred up in my head as I continued to walk.

How on earth did Confederate show up? Isn't he dead? I thought I killed him... Maybe it's someone's power to revive the dead? There's no way...

My head swarmed with thoughts. I don't understand... ugh... I shook my head, clearing my mind. We have some more important things to worry about right now... Focus, America.

I looked around, gaining an Idea of where I was. Uh, Damn it, took a turn too early. I spun on my heels, marching back the way I came. Get out of your head, America! There are more important things than your damaged past right now. I noticed that my head had been in the clouds a lot lately, this caused me to miss several important details in multiple situations.

"Hey, Ame, Have you seen Canada?" I looked up to see Ukraine, she was in a flowered dress with a yellow ribbon tied around her waist.

"Oh, uh yeah, he said he was training with Chile today, anyways, how did that little date with you two go?" I forced a smile on my face, although I was actually happy for my brother, I wasn't in a good mood to be talking to her..

"Uh! Who- Who told you that!" Her face blushed red with embarrassment. I noticed she was shifting around a lot, signaling her nervousness.

"No one. I saw you two walk towards the city." I kept my smile but my mind told another story. Why is she nervous around me?

"Heh, um, well I oughta be going, I'll see you around." She half smiled at me, rubbing her hands on her dress.

"Alright, see ya." She took one more moment before calmly walking off. Okay... Back on task. I started towards Iceland's dorm again, taking two right turns then a left.

"Iceland, I don't have all day, open this damned door!" Annoyance tinged my voice as I pounded on the door. Only a few moments later did someone respond.

"I'm coming, America, no need to yell." His voice was muffled through the door, but I could still hear sarcasm.

A blue and white flag opened the door to Iceland's room. Iceland then peaked his head around the corner, ushering me over into the living room where I could see several more countries including Egypt, Japan, Switzerland, Russia, Kazakhstan, South Korea, and Iceland. Finland and Sweden were the ones who had let me in.

I was told that Switzerland had left Greenland and Germany in a dorm to talk things out, I guess. It didn't sound like a good Idea to me, but 's not my problem although Switzerland seemed a little nervous.

I nodded Finland a thanks before speaking

"Uh, What's up?" Iceland stared at me, waiting for me to walk in, so I did. One step after another, I found myself in the living room standing next to Iceland. Everyone was looking at the same thing I was.

A smile slid across my face as I recognised the face that sat weakly on the carpet. I let out a laugh. The way this organization looked so valuable was funny.

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