Chapter 12: The Bully

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(The day he got powers)

"All students including the top 5 report to the front of the building." I heard the announcements go off and rolled my eyes.

"It's the third period, and they need us... again." Vietnam muttered to me, I groaned, annoyed that this kept happening.

"Again, I mean it was only like a week ago (if that!) when they called us for the top five to take that drink!" Vietnam laughed at my statement, we watched as the other countries in our class simultaneously got up and walked out of the class with their backpacks in their hands.

"We might as well grab our bags and go with 'em!" I looked around to see that most of the kids had already left by now and only a few remained, but they were also leaving.

I Quickly grabbed my bag and Vietnam did the same. We both looked at each other and laughed as our eyes met.

"I- I can't breathe! Why am I laughing!" He choked out while laughing maniacally.

"I-dont-know!" I breathed in trying to stop my outburst but failing.

"Okay, okay! Let's go!" I pushed him in the shoulder to get him going.

"I'm going! I'm going!" He wheezed as I forced him towards the exit door. Once we made it outside of the classroom, we started running down the hallways

"I'M GONNA MAKE IT FIRST!" He yelled back as I fell behind him,

"THAT'S NOT FAIR V!" I jokingly screamed after him, catching up to a bit

"YOU KNOW I'M NOT THAT FAST!" I laughed and his smile grew bigger.

"EXACTLY! BUT YOU ARE THE ONLY PERSON WILLING TO RACE ME THOUGH! DORK!" Vietnam yelled back, dodging around kids as he bolted away from me.

"HEY! NOT NICE!!!" I tried looking offended as I ran. Once we had caught up with everyone else we slowed down.

"I... Made it!.. First!!" He panted, and I nodded.

"Yeah, I know, ass!" They had asked us all to line up and take the drink that the top five had about a week or so ago and of course me and Vietnam were at the front.

"Here you two go" said some random lady giving us the weird swirly drink.

"Thanks I guess?" I looked at Vietnam, and we both burst out laughing again,

"ThAnKs I gUeSs!" He taunted me and I bit back a rather rude but funny comment.

"Just take the drink!" I laughed, we had started to walk towards the school again,

"Hey alright, we take the drink together, and we get our powers together okay?" Vietnam spoke

"That was so sappy-" I chuckled with a funny frown on my face.

"Ay! Just agree with me!" He seemed a bit panicked and so I hummed a yes and we both clinked our plastic cups

"It's not like this is our last time seeing each other, why be so sad?" I asked Vietnam, placing my hand on his shoulder.

"When we see each other again, it... it won't be the same..." He looked down to his feet, his emotions were starting to show.

"Hey bud, I promise nothing between us will change." I moved my arm across his shoulders and pulled him in.

"Come on, let's get this over with." He lifted his head, a small trace of a tear lined his cheek as we drank the potion together.

"YUCK!" V yelled out when he had swallowed it all.

"And they said it tasted like cranberry juice this time-" We laughed and headed back inside as we walked to the front door leading inside we heard Russia yell.

"What is he yelling about?" I asked V, looking at him. "I don't even know, I mean when doesn't he yell? Anyways, let's go in! I want to go eat something! I'm SOOOOOO HUNGRYYYY" He groaned loudly

"You are always hungry, V!" I grabbed Vietnam's hand and dragged him over to the lunch line and stepped in it. It took a bit to get to the cashier but once we got there we paid for our food.

"What did you get, Germoney?" Ah yes, the lovely nickname, Germoney, I just love it so much.

"I just got some chicken, yogurt and milk. What about you, V?" He looked at his tray which was piled up with stuff and smiled.

"EH-HEM, I got... Chicken, fruit, mashed potatoes, yogurt, juice, a cookie and a brownie! Oh and some other stuff like vegetables but I am not going to eat those, I mean who likes carrots anyways? I also got some Reeses Pieces too, but like, I'm hungry! So let's stop talking and EATTTTT!" I nodded and leaned in for a spoonful of my yogurt as Vietnam shoved his food down his throat.

V is so happy right now, but his mood changes so fast sometimes. I have to make sure that he is oka-

"Oh, looks like the low levels want to take our spots now don't they?" I looked up to see China and his gang of countries.

"We weren't trying to- I mean don't you always sit at that table..?" I asked even though I knew they did, China always wants to cause problems

"Shut up, dork. Get off of my table." I quickly got up, trying not to cause trouble. It's not your table. Vietnam on the other hand stayed there acting as if he didn't hear anything. China quickly walked up behind V and put his hands on Vietnam's shoulders.

"Looks like I didn't say it dumb enough for you to understand. Get. Out. Of. My. Spot." He pulled V back by his backpack, throwing my Vietnamese friend to the floor. I went running to see if he was okay as China took our spot.

"Don't need that either!" China threw V's plate on top of vietnam, spilling all of the uneaten food onto us two. Slowly V got up with some mashed potatoes in his hair and yogurt all over his shirt.

"You are going to regret that when I get my powers, China." China laughed amused by my statement

"Ah, okay. We will see about that eh?" V turned around and walked out, I chased behind him.

"V! Are you okay?! Where are you going?!" He looked at me, fear and anger filled his face entirely. Oh no...

"No. Im going to Fucking Kill him, Im going to kill China then we will see who's really the lowlife." V stormed off as I slowed down. I've seen that look in his eyes... The last time someone truly pissed him off... And I don't think Cambodia made it back alive...____________________________________

1106 words

Spell Checks: 2

Rewrite: 3/23/23

Another short chapter, but I got it over 1000 words!
I swear they get longer!


Many many more chapters to come! 

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