Chapter 53: Figures

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"Switzerland!" I looked around

"Switzerland, where are you!" I peeked around a tree, and to my disappointment, nothing was there... Again, this had only been like the fifteenth tree.

"God, where are you?" A small gust of wind shot through the trees, and with it, came the quiet voice of the Swiss man I was looking for.

"I'm close..." I perked up, staring in the direction the wind had been blown from. I tilted my head to the side.

"I think?" Maybe if I yelled his name he'd hear me.. SWITZERLAND! SWITZERLAND WHERE ARE YOU? I KNOW YOU CAN HEAR ME! I internally screamed as I snuck towards the quiet voice.

"Switzerland?" A large, broken-down cathedral-like building sat pretty far in front of me, it was barely visible from where I stood, but at the same time, it stood out from the dense brown tree bark.

Switzerland's voice seemed to be coming from inside the crumbling building from what I could tell. Alarms rang in my ears as I depicted fear in the Swiss man's ever-coming voice.

Something is wrong...

"...LON is strong, something about his power is not settling right, he wouldn't spark an attack with a power as simple as a copycat mechanic..."

I thought back to what UN had said about LON, the way intense hatred mixed with worry and fear had sat unguarded in UN's eyes. How EU had a sense of anxiousness radiating off of him as soon as LON's name had been spoken.

How UN seemed to have known all too much about this Organization...

More than he was letting off.

Switzerland has taken a group into a death trap, and none of us even know what they are fighting... I snuck closer to the white brick. The mixed voices of countries became louder and louder with each step I took, some of them had emotions filling each yelp that sent shivers down my spine.

"Go on and help your friends... it'll only be a death trap for you..." A sudden voice sounded right in my ear, a voice I had known all too well... A voice that haunted my every presence.

"Go on, America, go show them the power you showed me!" The voice grew in my ears, it growled with anger, clawing at every crack in my mind, attempting to escape.

"Leave me alone, Confederate." I took a breath, calming the emotions in my mind as a burst of anger filled my body, threatening to control each limb I had.

"Come on, Go on and fight! SHOW THEM WHAT YOU'RE MADE OF!" The noise grew louder and louder as Confederate got more and more upset. I clasped my hands to my ears as they rang a high-pitched, deafening ring.

"Fuck off confederate!" I winced as a warm and sticky substance secreted from my left ear just after an unbearable pain burst through it.

Confederate went quiet for just a moment as he came into my view, his glistening see-through body stood directly in front of me.

He wore the same royal outfit I had ended his life in. Blood dyed the spot where my bayonet had shot him, the red stretched down his chest, only fading to white when it hit his stomach.

"Do you like my outfit, lad?" A sinister hint was purposefully added to my brother's calm voice.

I stared at him, a smile was plastered on his own face as he ran his hand up to his wound.

Snap out of it Ame... I need to get over to Switzerland... I thought to myself as I watched Confederate show me his bloodied hand.

"What do you want..?" I stared Confederate in the eye as a larger smile engulfed his face.

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