Chapter 49: Toxic

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No One

Spain dabbed her eyes as she pieced herself back together. Her head had spiraled into many different outcomes of her current situation. Her Future sight haunted her with every possibility with every wrong turn with every bad outcome with every picture of death. This power was a curse, a curse that had been placed on her when she was just a young girl, a curse that she couldn't get away from, a curse that was simply hell in a disguise

"Spain..." Spain snapped out of her overwhelming power and looked over at WHO who had stepped closer to the broken-down lady.

"Yes?" Spain bit her lip as she parted ways with Chile, she didn't want to let go, but as her powers told her, she needed to.

"Can you give us some time? I need to make sure he is alright, I'll get Norway to take you to the town." WHO looked at the two students who stood inside the room with them. Belarus nodded and India winced as Spain took a breath and nodded sadly.

WHO walked over to her office phone, she picked it up before dialing a number. Silence spread throughout the room as the phone rang only loud enough for WHO to hear.

"Hello, this is the World Health Organization, is this Norway?" WHO went quiet as the person on the phone responded.

"Great, please come down to the nurses office as soon as possible, I have a job for you." WHO placed her hand on her hip as now known Norway responded.

"Okay, uh, yeah I'll be down there as soon as I can..." Norway placed the phone down and looked back at Denmark who had an eyebrow raised.

"Who was it?" Norway walked over to Denmark and sat down on the couch next to him, his face scrunched up in a confused expression.

"It was WHO, she says she has a job for me and needs me as soon as possible." Norway hunched over, resting his elbows on his knees and his head in his hand.

"What could that mean? You know WHO never needs you." Denmark spoke in a smooth and calming voice as he stretched himself out along the couch.

"I don't know, but I'm going to go check it out if you want to come with me." Norway looked at Denmark who nodded.

"Yeah, why not? I've got nothing else to do in here anyways." Denmark sat up and slid his legs over the side of the couch before leveraging himself up onto his feet, Denmark offered out his hand towards Norway who took the opportunity and pulled himself up with Denmark's help.

"Alright, let me tell them we are coming." Norway slid over to the phone and dialed WHO's number as Denmark put on his shoes.

"Hey, WHO, I'm heading now, I just wanted you to know." Denmark looked over at Norway who held up his pointer finger in a 'wait a moment' movement.

"Alright, Alright, I'll be there in a minute." Norway placed down the phone and slid his white crocs on. Norway stared at Denmark as he put on a shirt and combed back his hair.

"Where are you going, Mr.fancy." Norway picked on Denmark.

"Shut up." Denmark snapped back as he found a hairstyle he liked and placed down the black comb.

"Ready?" Norway opened the door and stepped out with Denmark on his heels, he closed the door and started towards the nurse.

"What could she need from you?" Denmark asked as they walked down the quiet hallway.

"I am not sure, perhaps it's nothing bad." Norway remained optimistic as Denmark scoffed in disbelief.

"Has anybody ever been called down to the nurses office for something good?" He paused awaiting an answer in which he got none.

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