twenty six

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Omega-TOP x Alpha-BOTTOM
Miguel x Jacob
*** ^ Jacob's eyes when they glow- ^

Jacob felt like he was losing his mind as he looked over at Miguel, seeing him avoid looking at him.

He went towards Miguel only for him to look another way to avoid looking at him. Already knowing that he felt too much shame...but why?

" I need to ask Edward what's going on when you can tell me yourself? What did he do?" Jacob questioned him in frustration, gripping his shoulders as he shakes them. "I don't care what you've done or what you are doing, I'm in love with you. Nothing changes for me, I promise."

"I didn't do anything." Miguel pulls away abruptly, sighing in frustration. "I just can't get the stupid words out of my mouth. I...I know it's not my fault and problem, but at the same time, it is. That's what my mind is telling me and I don't know why. I wish I wasn't a fucking abnormal-."

"What is wrong with-?!"

Jacob looked, hearing a knock on their front door. Now he narrowed his eyes onto Miguel who didn't really show anything towards the upcoming moment.

He went towards the door, opening it to see Edward standing there with a different bottle of wine. Smiling at Jacob, he did a mock curtsy.

"Never did I think the 'great' Jacob Cythe would invite me to his house! I'm so ha-."

Jacob pulled Edward into the house abruptly, shoving into the wall as he slammed the door closed. His hand held a firm grip on his shoulder, causing Edward to frown immediately.

His eyes tried to look around Jacob only for him to not allow him the ability to. He tried to move, but only was slammed back against the wall.

"If I had known this is the welcome I'd get, I don't think I would've come." Edward mocks, seeing that role Jacob up more. "You already ruined my phone, the recording is practically done for. I never even was able to finish it-."

"What did you do to Miguel?" Jacob questions him.

Immediately, Edward's eyes were widening on such a question. He tried to move out of his grip again, but this time didn't even move at all. It was like he wasn't even fighting against him.


"I'm not repeating myself you fucking heard me." Jacob sneered, leaning even closer towards him as Edward began to become frightened by his eyes. "He won't let me mark him and he won't tell me anything. What...did you do? Why is it I'm the one who's making all of these changes and he's doing the bare fucking minimum?! He won't talk to me, so I'm talking to you. You're going to tell me what's going on here."

Edward began to feel sick to his stomach.

He...already knew he was an Alpha and he knew he's done some things that all Alphas have done before. It wasn't fair to him that the Omega he loved wasn't able to be his all because of family orders.

It seemed like to him that Miguel would never move on. That he'd always have him and when he had his wedding, he invited him to it. He wanted to tell him how open his wife was and that they could still be together.

Even wanted to tell him what he did to Miguel behind his back.

Since he's an 'abnormal', he didn't think...marking him would work. Except when he bit him when Miguel was asleep, it faded away. So he didn't think it would work and went back to sleep. Only to wake up...and he found that he marked Miguel and he was his.

The only thing was that Miguel was none the wiser, because he was an 'abnormal'.

So the reason why Miguel couldn't go any further was because his body was bonded to Edward's. It wasn't him holding himself back, it was the mark that Edward placed without his knowledge.

His Alpha of SubmissionWhere stories live. Discover now