thirty seven

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Omega-TOP x Alpha-BOTTOM
Miguel x (Jacob) Jake

Jake grinned down at Miguel as he clearly was upset with him, watching him watch TV. His hands gripped Miguel's shoulders and looked at the TV from over it.

"You...avoiding me only makes me want to stay more," Jake whispers into his ear, causing Miguel to just stay still as he didn't care enough to move, "You're so upset, but Jacob and I are still the same person you know-?"

"No, you're not," Miguel interrupts him, standing up from the couch quickly, "You're not him at all. Jacob loved me and I mated with Jacob, not Jake. You' his body, but you're not him. I can tell, and that obvious indication makes this all the more unsettling,"

Jake glared at Miguel as he walked around him now. He wasn't sure what to do because even sharing a body with Jacob wasn't enough.

It was the person that Miguel wanted most. Jake wasn't that person, he was just within it. And that hard fact and truth pissed him even more. So much so that he walked after Miguel, pulling on his arm.

"How would Jacob feel, huh?" Jake pulled those words to see if he could get any reaction besides anger. "I'm still him. If you can easily walk away from me and ignore me, then that means you can do that to Jacob too."

"Not at all." Miguel brushed his words off, fully aware of what Jake was trying to do.

His love for Jacob wasn't going to be undermined or used against him. He was already aware that his mistake was that he didn't let Jacob feel secure. Secure in himself, secure in their future together, secure in what they both were together...

He was so focused on letting Jacob just have his way that he wasn't actually giving him what he wanted. What Jacob wanted was more of everything from him, and all he gave him was compliance; so really...nothing.

"I made my mistake... I know that his desire for those things was something that could be easily given. If I had just spoken to him and tried to understand then-." Miguel stopped, seeing Jake begin to look more and more upset.

He could tell that him simply beginning to understand what he did wrong bothered him. Probably because he knew that he truly didn't intend on settling for this.

"What business do you have...doing this to the person you wanted to protect the most?" Miguel found himself asking, seeing Jake's hands ball into fists. "When I first met you, it was all about Jacob. It was about helping him, protecting him, being there for him. Now look? You want to just take away all that he loves for your selfish reasons-."

"Who do you think you are saying these things? They aren't...true." Jake stammered, his hand settling on his stomach to try and distract.

He hoped him placing his hand there would put his focus on the baby. Only to find only riled Miguel up even more.

"It's very true. You're lying about your business, like it's nothing."

"And you're prying into my business, like it's something." Jake snaps, yanking his hand down as he grew tired of this conversation. "You...are supposed to love not just Jacob, but every part of him. You trying to be rid of me isn't love-."

"I'm not trying to get rid of you, I just want my normal back. You're not who I fell in love with, Jacob is. And you aren't staying to help him, you're doing it for yourself. You're not fooling anybody so stop acting like I'm wrong for feeling the way I feel."

Jake and Miguel stood before each other silently.

Neither of them had more to say, especially Miguel. He already realized that going about this in a way that would suit Jake would only make him stay even longer. At the same time, he didn't want to make him hate him because that'll make him stay too. It'll give him an actual reason to stay.

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