thirty eight

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Omega-TOP x Alpha-BOTTOM
Miguel x Jacob

" you really called me up for what exactly?"

Miguel and Jacob sat before Gage, Neo right beside him for precautionary reasons. Gage's bump was somehow growing much quicker than Jacob's was, but he wasn't complaining.

He was just happy that he was pregnant in the first place.

"You got what you wanted in the end," Miguel starts, smirking down at Gage who looked at him warily, "You have Neo, the new baby on the way now, you two are happy! Content...that's the word, yes. That contentment in each other must be so nice."

Gage already could tell he was being mocked, but this time, it wasn't even like that. Miguel was actually being genuine, no matter how mocking it might've come off.

"Yeah, we are; and?"

"Last time, there seemed to be some uncertainty on if Jacob reached that contentment. So much happened, and so much went on. We all reach that level of contentment at some point in our lives, at different times than others. Jacob and I are are the two of you. We all...get our happy endings, so let's just be happy we got this far." Miguel tells him that and that completely threw Gage off.

The only person who was all for it with no questioning, was Neo. Who nodded excitedly and patted his hands on the table with much endearment.

"This is perfect! Can we all just be friends?" Neo looks between Gage and the other two.

Jacob was all eyes on Miguel though, smiling lovingly at him. His hand held onto Miguel's as it sat on the table before them. He didn't have it there to show off, but just because he wanted to hold his hand.

It just so happened to be there, but so what?

"Friends? I don't know..." Gage drifts, looking between Miguel and Jacob. "What's really going on here?"

"Nothing." Jacob murmurs while still only looking at Miguel.

Gage pursed his lips, not really believing that considering Jacob didn't look at him. Except he was completely telling the truth while his legs were tightly together.

To partially hide his shame of being hard from earlier. Still not wearing any underwear as Miguel told him not to, just feeling that Miguel had that control over him and wanted to made him feel some type of way.

He could never get used to it.

"I think we can all be friends despite all of the drama in the past. The horrible actions, whatnot. We're here, together, and we all seem to be looking forward to our futures. Let's not dwell on the past," Neo insisted, glancing over at Gage who still looked cautious, only for Neo to nudge shoulders with him, "right Gage?"

Gage looked at Neo, seeing him wait curiously.

Except even if they were going to move on from this and actually get the happy endings they deserved...who was to say they need to stay in each other's lives? They didn't need to be didn't seem necessary to him.

Gage didn't like Jacob and he didn't feel any type of way towards Miguel. All he wanted...was to just never have to see them two again.

Especially if he could help it.

"I don't know..." Gage says quietly.

Miguel could sense that Gage had no interest in being friendly with them. Or more like, being friends with them. He understood, he also didn't find it necessary to be friends with him either.

The one who suggested it was his partner.

"We don't need to go that far." Miguel spoke up, seeing Neo look back at him in confusion. "We can simply be acquainted. No issues and no grudges. Just civil and kind to one another. We don't need to force a friendship, it seems unlikely that we'll get that far without it being forced."

Neo frowned because he wouldn't be forcing himself, but he still truly didn't know the gravity of what happened between them three. A friendship wasn't something the three of them needed with and for each other.

Except when he looked at Gage again, he saw how uncomfortable he was towards the idea. He would never want him to be uncomfortable. Especially at a time like this.

"Okay, acquaintances then." Neo nods with a smile, grabbing Gage's hand that was balled up into a fist in his lap.

Gage looked back at him, seeing him nod at him in understanding. That immediately relaxed Gage because he instantly knew that he didn't need to pretend for anybody.

"I love you Neo." Gage murmured, seeing Neo begin to smile shyly. "You're so cute."

"Oh, stop..." Neo waved him off shyly, hugging him as they both began to hug each other.

Miguel genuinely...happy for Gage. Despite all that happened, he was happy to see someone who truly loved him with him.

Jacob and him would've never worked, and Gage would've suffered in a marriage with him. Because he'd learn of the truth and find out Jacob was pregnant with his child. It would've only become more messier and hurt Gage further.

Even if his actions weren't acceptable, especially afterwards as a revenge ploy... They could all move on from this.

As long as no one was hurt physically.

Emotionally and mentally, they were definitely hurt. Except right now, things were fine.

He believed them to be fine and Jacob was fine. The only one who just seemed fine and may not be fine, was Gage.

Miguel knew he was happy with Neo, he could tell. He just wasn't sure if he was truly fine after everything.

"Okay, I think you've told and shown me enough." Gage finally spoke up, Jacob finally looking at him now. "You're now truly happy."

"No, I'm truly content. I don't need to be that Alpha everybody wants me to be so desperately. I'm who I am and to be and acting the way I want to be with Miguel. I don't need to force anything, and I'm now content because I get to truly be myself in all of this." Jacob explained to him, seeing Gage grin, "You're content still, right?"

"Of course." Gage answered quickly. " still content. I'm going to have a baby soon, as are you. You, obviously sooner, but...yeah. I am content. I'm happy that you are too now...promise."

Gage and Jacob actually looked in each other's eyes, the both of them smiling genuinely at each other. Miguel and Neo looking at the both of them happily.

They both could truly sense their Mates contentment in not only their placements, but the others too.

And they both couldn't be any happier.


i couldn't be any happier too.

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- yol🥂

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