thirty five

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Omega-TOP x Alpha-BOTTOM
Miguel x Jacob

"My dad is having a wedding before we are...doesn't that bother you?"

Jacob waited for Miguel to say something, but he just sat in the baby room as he looked over some instructions.

"Not really. Marriage doesn't necessarily mean anything, it's just a certified title. We both know what we mean to each other as of now, so... I don't see the rush. I'm happy for your dad though, he's been needing a happy ending-."

"We...deserve a happy ending." Jacob interrupts him, sitting beside him as he lays his head on his shoulder. His hands resting on his stomach while thinking about their babies. "Sometimes I feel like...time is just going slow and some things means nothing, yet I know that's not the case."

"That's random for you to say. We haven't done just nothing. You're holding the future Lunas! What's so 'nothing' about that?" Miguel looks at him in mock contempt, but was secretly disappointed he'd say that.

Jacob, more or less, wasn't speaking of the babies when he said what he said. It was more along the lines that he was speaking about how he went about things with Gage and Neo.

He was never one to talk down on others before...not in such a capacity, at least. When he looked at Miguel, he saw him waiting for him to respond.

Except he remembered when he used to speak so crudely to him too. There were underlying feelings under the surface; but it still doesn't negate the truth.

That he can be a very mean person. He wanted to blame the fact that he was pregnant to his unnecessary outburst on Neo, but he knew he couldn't. He was already aware that if he could go through all of that again...pregnant or not...? That he'd probably say the same thing.

"I'm talking about how I went about things with Neo." Jacob spoke up, causing Miguel to raise his eyebrow.

"I'm surprised you're holding onto that event. That was now...a couple months ago-."

"Still!" Jacob exclaimed, standing up fast as he grabbed one of the babies onesies. Pressing his face into it, sighing deeply. "I'm better than that. If I am to have kids soon...I want to clear the air of most of my misdeeds. I don't want anything I have once done to come back onto not just me, but our kids."

Once Jacob said that, Miguel actually began to think about that too.

More on what he has done wrong in his life. Most of the 'bad' things he did, were during his sessions as a dom at the club. He doesn't see them as bad, but in the world's eye, it's probably bad.

"I guess...if you put it that way," Miguel sat back, looking at Jacob with a raised eyebrow, "Then it makes sense. If you want to reach out to those two might come as a surprise. It's been some time and no one has even heard about Gage's family for a bit. They've kinda been under the radar after what you did to them...but mainly Gage."

"I'm aware." Jacob stood up, leaving the room as he went to his phone. He still had Gage's number on his phone had blocked it himself. Instantly unblocking him, he was quick to reach out at that moment.

Despite the randomness, he hoped a response would come of this. Even if it was out of nowhere and even with their past.

It was still recent, even if some time passed. The truth of the matter was that what he did to Gage and Neo publicly would stay with them for quite some time. Possibly more than it would ever stay on him.

If anything, on his end, it's already been forgotten.

All his actions are forgiven. While on anybody else's end, it's held over their head as a punishment. A punishment he set onto them himself.

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