Part 45

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[ Jay telling the Maknae line a story ] 

 Jay: And that's how I- 

 Sunoo: Fell in love with our Sunghoon Hyung? 

 Jay: Fell in front of your Sunghoon Hyung.


Sunoo: Being half asleep and feeling someone softly kissing your forehead is one of the purest kinds of love in the world. 

 Sunghoon: Unless you're home alone...


Jungwon: [Gets a notification] Oh It's niki 

 Sunoo: [Excitedly] Did he get my stuff? 

 Jungwon: Yeah, he said he got the clown costume, candies, and 12 gallons of blood 

 Sunoo: Where did he find 12 gallons of fake blood? 

 Jungwon: Wait you wanted fake blood?


[ 3 am, Niki after winning in a game against Heeseung ] 

 Niki: [Shouting] I lived, bitch!

 Jay: I laughed, bitch!

Jake: I loved, bitch! 

 Jungwon: I ain't never gonna stop loving you, bitch!

 Sunoo: [Clenching his fist] I won't hesitate, bitch!

 Sunghoon: yeah don't...


Heeseungi: [Is unconscious] 

Jake: Omg he's not breathing!

Heeseung: [Opens eyes] 

Jake: Shall I give him mouth-to-mouth? 

Heeseung: [Closes eyes]


Niki: Can I show you something? 

Sunoo: Sure 

Niki: Can I show you in my room? 

Sunoo: Ok 

Niki: Can you close the door? 

Sunoo: ... Okay 

Niki: Can you turn off the lights? 

Sunoo: Yes...

Niki: Grab my hand 

Sunoo: [Grabs his hand] what is it Niki? 

 Niki: Look my watch glows in the dark 



 Sunoo: Omg that's the coolest thing ever!!


Sorry for the late, my ADHD symptoms kicked in and I forgot that I write here...

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