Part 80

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Sunghoon: Why did you have to stab him?

Sunoo: You weren't there. You didn't hear what he said to me.

Sunghoon: what did he say?

Sunoo: He argued with lame logic and said, "What are you gonna do? Stab me?"

Sunghoon: Fair enough


Sunghoon: Remember the time when I was lonely and had no friends?

Jake: Yeah?

Sunghoon: Im starting to miss those days.


Sunghoon: I hate to tell you this but one of you was adopted.

Sunoo: I'm sure It's Jungwon.

Jungwon: Nah-ah! Not me! Either you or Niki!

Niki: No I wasn't!

Jungwon: [showing Jay's picture] Look I even look like Dad!

Sunoo: No you don't! I slay at everything like Mum and Dad so I'm not adopted.

Jungwon: Weren't we twins?!

Niki: No you said we were triplets...

Sunoo: You two aren't my brothers. I was born in this household. Mum and Dad let me choose you two.

Jungwon: Nahhh-ahh

Niki: Oh hell no. You both look alike. So you must be twins. You two are adopted

Jay: [sitting in a corner and whispering] Why did you say that? We're literally two gay men.

Sunghoon: Just wanted to make them suffer. Like they make us.

A/n: I felt cringe to use mum but whatever!


Sunghoon: It's April Fools Day today.

Jake: So?

Sunghoon: You should ask Heeseung Hyung out. If he says yes, then good. And if he says no, just scream "April Fools!" and run away.

Jake: Genius!


Jake: I wish I could block people in real life.

Jay: a restraining order.

Sunghoon: Murder.


Sunoo: So let me get this straight, you and Jay Hyung are together?

Sunghoon: There's nothing straight about it, but yeah we are together.


Sunghoon: Can you look me straight in the eyes?

Jay: You can't expect me to look in those eyes and be straight.


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