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Since that day it was like me and him were invincible. Our love was blooming rapidly and I could feel it grow everyday. Despite our differences specially in the matters of money we both were not bound to be with eachother because that how society is and that's how world works. These allegations and so called self made law was brought in by humans itself and it's horrible. If two people love eachother with their whole heart even then they cannot be with eachother due to so many nonsense reasons.

Here I am holding hands of a boy who someone could have in their dreams and we're ready to runaway somewhere far from people. Start our own life and just be happy in our own little world. He told me his mother died at child birth and he lived with his father who didn't really care about him so it would be easy for him to runaway and what do I have to loose so I obliged. I sound really really selfish but we are going to make our way into the world and I am determined. I did deeply love him alot but not because of his money or his looks , he was genuinely a nice person and had a heart of gold.

"What's with the frown, my rose." He called me rose and whenever he did it used to make me blush but that was the whole reason why he gave me that nickname because of the tint of bright red which always forms on my cheeks in his appearance.

"I don't really know, I'm skeptical if this will even work out." I did sound concerned and started having second thoughts at this but he reassured me.

"You don't have to worry about it. Tommorow around 8 pm be ready, I'm coming to take you and we are running far far away from here." He sounded firm but also smiled so that I would not be too stressed.
So this is it finally 8 pm Tommorow night I will be free... I will be with someone whom I love and who cares about me.

He left after sometime and I started preparing everything Tommorow I had to jump over the wall near that garden because that was the only area where the walls were broken and one was perfect enough to reach my height. He would be on the other side and we both would runaway from there.

It was finally time and I slowly took my belongings and tiptoed my way out of my room , slowly slowly going into the garden and finally reaching that wall. I climbed up and saw down. He was there , waiting for me. I felt relieved and jumped to the other side. He caught me and we hugged. I was getting adrenaline rush from the entire situation and couldn't stop smiling.

We ran far far away from there. We stopped at a distance to catch a breath and then he held my hand and we walked slowly until we finally reached near a forest.

"Why are we near the woods?" I asked looking at him confused.

"I saw an old house here which is abandoned , for the night we can stay here and continue our journey tomorrow." I didn't cross his judgements at all and just simply followed him. After few minutes we reached the old abandoned house which was not even close to good condition but I didn't complain as long as I was with him I felt safe and happy.

We put our stuff down and settled in. He looked at his watch and looked back at me. "Let's sit down and talk for a while Molly." I did exactly what he told me and sat down beside him. We both talked for a while and then his watch started ringing. Some timer I guess. He looked at me but it wasn't a normal calm expression he always had , instead he looked scared. He started shaking and his breathing became uneven. He looked at me straight in the eye.

"Before anything happens I just want you to know I really love you Molly."

"What happened why are you sounding like that? You're making me worried." I was feeling a bit uneasy.

"I- we- it's going to be 10."

"So? What's the harm in that?" I was really starting to get concerned now , I held his hands tighter than ever and he flinched at that. He moved back from me and stood up. I didn't have a good feeling about this and it was making me sick to my stomach.

"Molly I- I want to explain myself to you but I cannot." He was shaking in tremendous fear as if he had seen a ghost , his normal lovely skin was turning pale and his eyes were burning. He reached for his pocket behind and took out something, at first I couldn't see it properly but when I figured out what it was I gasped with horror and moved at the other end of the living room we were currently in. He took out a gun and pointed at me. His hands still shaking but having a tight grip around the weapon.

"So this is it ? You trick me , you fool me in your lies and now you kill me."I didn't even know when tears started strolling down my eyes.

"Trust me I really don't want to do this." His voice cracking but I didn't want to put up with his fake drama anymore.

"Why? I'm not even rich then why?" I couldn't hold back questions and the lingering thought of him justifying himself and apologizing. I don't know why I was seeing that ray of hope. Maybe because I was too blind in love.......

"I cannot tell you. I am so sorry Molly." It was looking as if he was holding back his tears but I just didn't want to believe him anymore. Smart of me thinking this when I'm at the gunpoint. I didn't want to be dumb anymore or treated like nothing in this society and so I thought to myself , I could take a bit advantage over this and make a run for it. The door was very close to me and I'll try to distract him.

"It's okay. I think this is my fate... Dying by the hands of someone who I used to love." I said this slowly walking towards the door which he didn't seem to notice. He was just still and frozen at his position. It was dark outside and the only source of light was moon. I managed to grab the handle of the door and opened the door in a hurry. I ran... I ran for my life.... I ran like there was no Tommorow... I ran till..... I ran till I heard a gunshot from a distance and looked down to see blood oozing out of me. I fell to the ground and the tears from my eyes were uncontrollable. So this is what death feels like mom and dad.

EVIDENCE 2:  THE LAST PETALOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant