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John and Rose arrived at the correct time. We were just trying to figure out all the intel we gathered and they would have additional information that might help because so far we don't have bodies of the victims. Nobody's knows whether they are dead or alive and we visited the orphanage Molly was in and we got some news that could help with the case although The Smiths getting attacked like this was very unpredictable and None of us saw it coming but we are still trying to figure out the motive. 

'' What have you guys collected so far?'' Rose asked curiously.

'' Well so far we visited the orphanage and turns out the staff over there is not so helpful like I told you this town is very shady at times and this was one of those times. We asked the caretaker of the whole orphanage and he told us that kids tend to run very often from this place.''

'' What do you mean?'' John was a little confused but his reaction was totally justified because anyone would be after hearing this.

'' He told us few of the incidences where way long back let's take about maybe ten years back a kid ran away and after few years they spotted him somewhere hanging around with his wife or girlfriend and recently one of the other kids also ran away before Molly and nobody cared to report it because it was 'very normal' for them. They also added that Molly used to be alone so it is very likely that she eloped with some boy.''

'' That was very suspicious and so we both thought to search about that kid as well , His name is Adam and he just mysteriously disappeared one day , nobody saw or noticed which is quite weird if you ask me and nobody seemed to care which oddly don't you think is a bit uncanny?'' Trevor raised a good question which did make sense and  maybe we are getting somewhere with this. Even the caretaker seemed too suspicious , the entire orphanage was acting strange.

'' What information do you guys have?.''

'' Well as far as I know when we went to check up on Harold's body we found out that he was murdered and he just didn't conveniently suicide. So because of that sister who was responsible for taking Laura that day to the dentist , she confirmed that Harold was the man she saw last with Laura which makes it very highly possible that Harold was responsible for Laura's kidnapping but we still didn't find her anywhere let alone her body atleast to gather some evidence.'' It sounded harsh but what John said was right after all. He hesitated a bit but then continued '' There is someone else behind all of this because Harold was murdered and the little girl is still nowhere to be found nor did we find any clues on him aside from the fact on how he was exactly murdered which is not that helpful. I think he worked for someone and he was told to do this.'' 

His words did make sense and It was very sensible but it still leaves us down to these questions that where are all the missing orphans? Who could be possibly behind this? Is it the Orphanage trying to do human trafficking or are the kids not alive? And why just these orphans. There could be some connection behind their disappearances. I know one thing for sure that I will make sure that this irresponsible orphanages gets shut down.

'' What does all of this have to do with Tony Smith's death? It makes no sense.''

''As far as I remember The whole banquet hall should have a members list and I went through them , it gave the names of all the rich people in town mostly. Which I think could be part of this specially the families close to The Smiths. I examined his body properly and he was shot through some sniper which means that killer was not at a very close distance but still close enough and because of the huge hassle he or she got enough time to run away and blend in the crowd.'' 

''Also I think there were no other doctors around there and someone knew of our presence maybe they know we work with the police because how is it possible that when I did get cut from the glass and John took me to get it treated , the same time shooting happened? It does ring bells in my mind and I think that the waiter who tripped could be a part of this. We should find him and if he could be part of this then other staff members could too and for our surprise there was no staff list at the hall , it was just guest list.''

'' Whoever this person is , he or she is very smart because all of this was well planned and at this rate anybody could be the killer. The made so many diversions that it is very hard to exactly pin point on one thing. Also the person must be close to the Mendoza's because how else would they know to place their pawns accurately inside the hall and if they are close to Mendoza's then I am pretty sure it is someone rich.'' I had to take in all of this information and connect the exact dots , right now it's all like a disrupted puzzle piece and nothing for now fits in place but few more clues and I have a feeling we will reach it. I am very concerned about the kids and I have no idea what state they are even in but we have to solve it soon to save them.

'' We will start interrogating the rich people of the town and you both will try to find that waiter. I will also try to get the background of this particular orphanage as well as the one from which Laura disappeared.'' 

''And what about the public outrage after hearing about his death?'' Trevor questioned

'' Don't worry about the media , I will handle it and try to delay the news from getting out as much as I can but I can't be able to pull through for too long so we got to work fast.'' I guess that's the perks of having a journalist on our team. She is really helpful right now.

Starting off with The Smith's mansion because maybe his wife or his daughter have any idea about this. We can just take our chances right now but I will make sure to hunt down each and every clue properly so that nothing gets left behind.

EVIDENCE 2:  THE LAST PETALWhere stories live. Discover now