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I never expected some heated tension going on between Rose and John but if you ask me they look good together. I know Trevor is mad because he didn't expect them to date but I somehow managed to cool down his anger so maybe just maybe he might give them a chance. 

Rose gave me some new information when Trevor was gone, She told me about the tragic inccident of Edward Carter but it rang some bells in my head and I was just waiting for Trevor to come so I disclose my theory. 

Once Trevor came back he saw us sitting in the room awkwardly waiting for him because not just me , he was mad at all of us. He entered with a blank expression and didn't even say hello like he usually greets us. He is pissed off big time. He walked towards me silently and bent down till he could look at me straight in the eye because I was sitting on a chair. He didn't look at Rose or John but maintained an intimidating eye contact with me. He wasn't saying anything and I was getting more and more curious , my legs were shaking anxiously and he kept one of his hand on my knee to stop that bad habit of mine. 

''It's a bad habit.'' That's all he uttered and I couldn't take the silence any longer.

''So what have you decided?''

''I am very disappointed in you taking a decision without me.''

''I am very sorry , I didn't mean to-''

''BUT I am wiling to consider it.''

''what WHAT?'' I didn't think he would agree so fast , I got so excited that I hugged him so tight and he smiled, then he got up and looked at the two confused love birds.

''However I do not wish to speak to either of you and as we have a case going on We shall start our work. Whatever conversation I have with both of you will be just work related.'' That is really cold of him and I could see the disappointment in both of their faces , after this case I will convince him to forgive them. Trevor might look cold hearted and boring from outside but he is really a warm sweet guy. Despite the differences he is still ready to work with full dedication.

''Guys something clicked my mind.'' I started off

''And that is?''

''Rose told me about how Edward died in a factory blast , if you remember Debbie and Molly's parents also died in a factory blast. As per the reports Edward was the owner of Ceramic factory and when I searched about the Danner's they worked in a ceramic factory which was owned by Edward Carter and Tony Smith.'' 

''Woah that connects alot of dots so there might be a chance that other disappeared orphans might be related to this?'' John added.

''There is a high chance , let me research about the orphans and Rose try getting the old footage from the time when news covered the whole blast and if you could arrange all the deleted tapes as well that would be great.'' 

''On it.''

''John search about Adam and Trevor get onto Laura's background and family, I will search about the factory blast.''

We all got down to work and I tried looking up all the possible articles. There was alot of information but mostly Not all the workers died , there were only eleven people killed in the blast including Edward Carter. When I got the names of the people I was shocked , The Danners were first four people on the list marking both Debbie and Molly's parents. Second in line were few more married people. I cross-checked with John and yes Adam's parents died in that blast then I asked Trevor and then again Laura's parents also died in that blast making it nine people on the list and lastly there was one more married couple Hannah Mark and Peter Mark making it a total of eleven people who died. They both had two lovely twins Denver and Dalton which after the blast was taken into the same orphanage as Laura.  

Someone who had connections with the orphanage placed these children in the two particular orphanages and very smartly appointed Harold to do the killings for him and once Harold's cover was blown , he appointed someone else to kill Harold and the secretary of the Mendoza's as he was in a way responsible for Tony Smith's death who happened to be one of the owners of this factory. Someone was really not liking this factory for a particular reason that I am not able to figure out and decided to kill everyone in there possible and started a whole massacre. 

These kids were related to eachother and they had no idea about it , all of them lost their most precious people in the same day and still they had no idea about it. The footage Rose showed me clearly mentioned that it happened by accident, This means that the Killer was rich enough to pay these reporters into making a false story, That is how media works apparently. 

All of this started to make so much sense to me , I still did not understand if by any chance Tony Smith and Edward Carter got into an argument why were both of them killed. This smart guy was able to pull an entire blast without getting caught making it look like an accident and had information of the orphanage which meant someone from the orphanage was helping him. YES! That's it I got a lead again. 

''KATE YOU SHOULD SEE THIS!" Rose shouted panicking and showing me the recent news that just rapidly blew up 'TWO MORE INNOCENT TWINS JUST DISAPPEARED EVEN THOUGH THE ENTIRE TOWN WAS UNDER POLICE SURVEILLANCE' This is bad news... Media is going to come after us for this definitely.

''Rose take care of the media for me! Trevor come with me we need to go to that orphanage in which Laura was kept NOW! John reach out to Debbie and bring her under safety immediately she is in danger!''  If Denver and Dalton just got kidnapped then surely Debbie is the last person remaining from the list. The killer wants to remove all the possible evidence left and that is why he is kidnapping these kids ! That's it I cracked it but all I need now is to protect these young lives for heavens sake this is a lot more than a simple kidnapping. This was way more wilder than I thought.

EVIDENCE 2:  THE LAST PETALWhere stories live. Discover now