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I didn't even want to leave , what was he even thinking that he could just fool around with my sister , I have never raised my hand at him but this was totally infuriating and driving me to the edge. Kate made me sit down on the bench but I didn't even want to talk to her , she took such a big decision without me? I don't even know the girl properly. I didn't talk to her at all.

''Still very mad?'' Definitely but I wasn't going to talk to her.

''It is my fault I agree but just listen to me once.'' No way I am not going to , I would rather die.


''Okay okay fine I am talking... I don't want to talk to you.''

''I know you are really angry and it is totally justified but just speak to me , let me atleast explain once.''

''Fine.. go on.''

''She is a really nice girl you need to meet her once properly , she is living a miserable life and I feel a really good connection. Trust me just meet her once.''

''I don't have a problem with you growing an affection towards that kid it is just that you should have discussed with me once before taking any decisions.. We aren't even married yet and you already want a child?''

''Okay I understand that is my fault and I am sorry... I really mean it.''

''Besides if you wanted a child that badly you could have just said so all it takes is just nine months.''

''Trevor!'' I did laugh at that but still mad.

''Alright fine.. I will meet her once but this doesn't mean I accepted your apology.''

''What will it take for you to forgive me?'' she whined , she looks so cute when she does that. To be honest I really don't have any idea but this will be fun...

''I don't know, figure it out on your own.'' 

''Why do you keep doing this to me??''

''Ah what's it called oh yeah having a taste of your own medicine.'' She looked annoyed at my such a good taunt but she couldn't do anything about it. 

''Atleast meet Debbie properly.'' I was about to do that but I couldn't trust John and Rose being left alone.

''What about those two?''

''It's fine you go , I will take care of them for now.'' I was still skeptical but I trust her enough so I did go to The Thompsons house again.

Not this again... Kate thinks this woman is always unhappy about us questioning her but it's not that , she doesn't like Kate's presence and when Kate was gone she was so happy , she kept on flirting with me. It is disgusting and I didn't want to deal with this again. I rang the bell and there she was opening the door smiling. This gives me creeps. 

''Oh you again.. Your friend didn't come this time?"

''You mean my fiance? She's busy in some work.'' She frowned a little at my words and that was a good sign for me.

''So you came to meet me because you are bored of her?'' Seriously does this Woman ever give up?

''No Mrs Thompson , I am here to meet Debbie can you call her?'' She frowned again and then finally called Debbie. 

''Y-yes?'' She was very shy and hesitant but I would expect that from anyone.

''Come let's take a walk.'' I smiled at her to which she agreed.

''Should I come with you? I am worried about Debbie.'' Lie. 

''This is private investigation, you are not allowed.'' I lied in return.

''Okay... after that you can come inside and have some tea.'' Disgusting.

I took Debbie and paced myself faster than ever, being around that lady gave me creeps. Nobody had the power to ever do that but she gives me weird chills , next time I am not going to even step my foot here. 

''How's school?'' Bad way to start up a conversation but I did anyways.

''It is just fine...''

''You can be expressive with your words , I am not going to eat you. I have lived with an expressive girl for over three years so I can deal with this.'' She laughed a little and her laugh was cute.. just like Kate , I see why she has grown liking to Debbie.

''Prom is coming up and I was expecting somebody to ask me but he didn't.''

''And he shouldn't , no way any boy is getting around you.'' Where is all of this coming from.

''Excuse me?'' She was as confused as I was but in my eyes no guy could ever deserve her , she is just too perfect and pretty for anyone loser out there trying to get her. 

''No- nothing , what I mean is you should focus on your studies.''

''I am a straight A student. I can show you my report cards.''  Okay she is smart , thank god I am not adopting some dumb kid.

''I will be keeping a check on those , don't worry. So do you like ice cream?''

''I love ice cream specially chocolate any other flavor besides chocolate is straight up bad.'' How the heck is she so similar to Kate in every possible way. At this point it is like universe is giving me signals to adopt her.

''I totally agree , let's have some.'' Even though I like vanilla but because of Kate I have started to like chocolate too so I can manage it. 

After a very hearty conversation with her at the ice cream parlor , I couldn't find a single reason to not bring her in. I know my home is going to turn into a mad house but I like this kind of chaos. She is the kind of daughter I would want. I don't think I am old enough to become an ideal father yet but I will give my best. 

I finally dropped her home and ran from there as fast as I could. I can see why Debbie wants to escape too I can relate with her , I know Mrs Thompson does not flirt with Debbie but still. I came back and saw all three of them sitting and waiting for me. Eager to hear my decision.


So this being the 30th chapter I decided to make it special. In this entire story Trevor wasn't given his own perspective but this is the first and the last time he got in this book. 

Anyways comment down below if you liked it and yes any guesses on who the main villain of this story is?? 

EVIDENCE 2:  THE LAST PETALWhere stories live. Discover now