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We both were having casual conversation as we were heading towards the bar. I really needed a drink after such a long day it's almost going to be night. We took populated streets rather. I was having fun discussing on various topics with him then I looked ahead and saw someone coming in my direction. At first I thought just like all the people here they are just taking the opposite direction and going on their way but no this person was specifically coming towards me. It took me a moment to realize that this particular someone was non other than Robin. Gosh this guy why did I have to bump into him on a random street out of all the humans in the world.

He came as a client to me , he wanted to do promotion and publicity of the new lab he opened and also wanted help. I don't know when and how did he end up liking me so much because I never showed any interest in him. I keep my work professional specially when it comes to my clients. He started hitting on me and his below the average flirting then soon it changed into much more serious confessions leading to a proposal. I rejected all of it , I didn't even like this guy and now here he is ready to annoy me again.

"Rose.. I finally found you" he said with a smile on his face totally ignoring Atlas.

"Oh hey Robin..." I didn't show any expression on my face but in reality I was just deeply annoyed by his sudden appearance.

"Thank god that other girl is not with you today , I wanted to talk to you." He said with a smug look on his face which I very well wanted to punch.

"That other girl is my sister in law and a police officer, be careful with your words. I do not want to talk to you." I said bluntly and Atlas was just watching both of us silently it's embarrassing that he is here to witness all this , I'm pretty sure he will make fun of me on this.

"Please just listen to me once." Can this guy get anymore annoying?

"Sorry Robin , as you can see I'm here with my boyfriend and we are getting late. Maybe sometime later but not right now." I regret saying that but it came out instantly , I wanted to avoid Robin at any cost I should've thought about something else. John's face changed to amusement.

"He? Him?? He is your boyfriend???? I don't believe it." He was shocked and I did the next possible thing I could think of which I didn't want to do but now I'm in tight situation. I held his arm to make it look more believable and oh god his arms were muscular.

"Yes he is." Atlas shrugged away my hand and In my hand I was just thinking couldn't he help me just once . This guy is going to blow my cover. Robin was about to say something but before he could, Atlas kept his hand on my shoulder and pulled me in closer to him. That made me blush but I quickly dismissed that eerie feeling off me.

"As you can see we are running late already so if you'll excuse us , me and my girlfriend have to be somewhere much more important." He still kept his hand on my shoulder and made me move forward. Robin was standing there in utter disbelief and shock and I was here dying from inside because of the loads of fireworks going on and on.

We reached the bar and after that incident occurred none of us spoke to eachother till we reached and I asked him what drink he would want to have.
"Whatever my girlfriend would pick for me." He grinned and I clearly understood now he is going to tease me about this on and on. I rolled my eyes and just ordered random drinks off the menu.  We both sat on a table in some corner and he was about to say something before I cut him off

"Don't even think about it."

"What? I didn't say anything"

"Whatever you have in mind keep it to yourself."

"I have many things in my mind right now." He gave a devilish grin and I was just feeling embarrassed because of the earlier situation. Damn you  Robin for causing this mess. 

The rest of time went normal , we both had normal conversations except when he wanted to drop in the 'girlfriend' thing and make me feel embarrassed about it.

We reached the hotel and I saw someone familiar sitting there in the lobby. One of the bell boy before passing by told me that she was waiting there for me. Atlas said he was too tired to get involved in any of my matters specially now that there is a girl thing going on he is least interested to join. He went up to his room and I went ahead and tapped on the female's shoulder. She was reading Time zone article and I thought could it be-

"Oh Rose I missed you." That lovely french accent and the amazing scent of vanilla.

"Bella!!!" I squealed. I was so excited, Bella is my friend from my workplace, she is amazing and so much more skilled and experienced. A brunette with tanned skin and lovely body with that heavy french accent she's a total package.

She pulled me in for a hug and looked at me from up to down.
"Someone's looking hot today." She said in her sexy french accent.

"Don't even try , you are the sexiest woman I have ever seen." She just laughed but denied it , that's one of the things I like about her she knows she is beautiful but she never takes pride in it.

"I have a good news for you chérie." I got excited at her words.

"Tell me about it!!" I got curious and couldn't wait to hear it.

EVIDENCE 2:  THE LAST PETALWhere stories live. Discover now