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When I reached home I expected to get Beaten up or some punishment but my dad was gone for some emergency work and my mom reminded me that tomorrow  we were hosting the town's biggest party. Almost everyone is going to be there.
My dad is keeping it in honour of buying that hotel. I'll have to play a good boy in front of the media again.

I kept my suit ready and ironed and went to sleep. Mom just told me that much and went into her room. I was thinking of taking Debbie's advice and talking to her but today wasn't the right day for this besides I was too tired from all the running I did.

The next day we all were ready at the perfect time , my dad did not speak to me at all. We reached the venue. It was such a grand hotel and I felt like a celebrity walking on the red carpet with the media all around just taking my photos. I somehow managed to get through them and took my seat near Steve.
"Hey man you look good." Steve smiled at my compliment.

"Says the one who literally made a dashing entry. Hmm main character vibes?"

"To-ta-lly." We both laughed at my exaggeration. Slowly slowly the hall started getting filled with many people a few I recognised and few were fresh new faces. It was good to be at a party after a long time. I was roaming around hiding from the media and that's when someone caught my eye. It was the world's most beautiful girl I had ever seen. She looked even more pretty with that lovely black dress.

"DEBBIE!" I called out her name and she turned in my direction. I went towards her and she smiled.

"Are you planning on annoying me at the party too?" She gave me a side eye and I just couldn't take my eyes off her.

"Wow you look... Stunning!" Completely baffled by this absolutely gorgeous lady in front of me.

"Sometimes you say unexpected things that make me wonder what you actually think."

"Oh you wouldn't wanna know." That made her blush a little and she lightly hit my shoulder.

" don't look bad either."

"Are you struggling to give me compliments kiddo? Try better and remember I still have the video." I teased her a little just to annoy her.

"Oh prince charming you have lightened my day. The super knight of mine with the shining armour please save me from the misery." Dramatic much.

"Give me your number and I'll think about it."

"Why exactly do you want my number?"

"Because I'm your knight? I'll be informed whenever my young maiden will be in any sort of distress."

"Behold the mighty Knight needs my number!!!" She made a hoarse voice and we both laughed. "I think you have a little company waiting for you there." She pointed at Clara who was staring at me with her friends from a distance. Oh shit I forgot to tell Debbie that we had broken up. I went to Clara  and they all gave me weird looks.

"Seriously Mendoza I didn't think you would drop your standards like that." Here we go again.

"So? Do you have any problems with that?"

"Listen Keith our break up doesn't mean you can go and date anybody and especially that gold digger coming from the streets."

"I'd recommend you to keep that mouth shut because if you continue speaking I'll be obliged to do things that will give you nightmares." She scoffed a little at my words but I meant it , only because she's a girl I held back but if this was some boy going around saying things like this I would have ripped his throat apart.

"Whatever dude just don't come to our group anymore."

"I can buy your friends within seconds if I want to and besides I don't need this kind of fake friendship anymore in fact I'm glad that I'm finally free. Now if you'll excuse me I have a party to attend to."

Everyone was dancing around the hall to the loud music and I suddenly felt so light ,  I haven't felt like this in ages. Slow music started playing and the air around became thin and cozy. Some were taking their partners for a couple dance and some were taking their friends , well I wanted to take Debbie to the dance floor too and so I went over to her. She looked very eager but sat down looking anxiously around and then she caught me looking at her.

"What? Stop being a creep."

"Come dance with me." I reached my hand out to her , she was hesitant. "It's okay we'll be hidden in the large crowd no one will notice." She nervously took my hand and I took her to the dance floor. We did a slow dance but she looked rather not interested?
"What's the problem kiddo?"

"I just don't like slow dances like these , it doesn't add the feel I get to something more adventurous."

"What do you mean?" I was confused
At her words.

"Well dances like salsa, you know the electricity that comes from within adding to the adrenaline rush... But I doubt you know about salsa."

"Oh try me." There was a different kind of shine in her eyes at my words and I called the dj to change the music. He put on some amazing Spanish music and people started cheering.
We both started and I feel like the next few moments were the best moments of my life.

The steps we did were so synchronised that it looked like we had been practising it for a long time. Her steps were so perfect it felt like she was cut out for me. Our bodies moved along with each other with a perfect sync. The touch we had did give electric shocks and adrenaline rush at the same time to me but I don't know if she felt the same , I hope she did.
By the time we were done  a bunch of crowd was cheering for us and some didn't bother too , I didn't even care at that moment , the dance had been so passionate that it started giving me butterflies in my stomach.

"I didn't know you could dance that well." She sounded so amused and looked much more lively than before.

"I told you... So did you get your electric shots and adrenaline rush?"


"And what about the butterflies?" She blushed at my words and before she could reply , an accident occurred at a distance. Some waiter accidentally broke a glass and it hit a woman. She looked unfamiliar and the guy beside her which I think is her boyfriend started acting frantically. He was very worried about her and rushed to get a medical Kit. Then again if I think about it , suppose me and Debbie would be in the same situation I would've acted the same way.

EVIDENCE 2:  THE LAST PETALWhere stories live. Discover now