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The dead body I had to examine was so disgusting and if it weren't for the Mortuary it would be rotting by now but I'm used to this. This is my work. The new information was a bit hard to digest but alot of these cases occurred in my work experience so far although I didn't know how Rose would take in the news. Who knows she might be fragile at heart.

She didn't give much of a reaction at which I was relieved. Meeting her after a long time was different than I thought. The image of a young teen was still in my mind but when I saw her it was completely different. She was a grown up attractive lady. Even though I always teased her about being a redhead but it suited her really well and specially now. It exactly like how her name is. I don't know why but I felt a tension between us since we met , it is this weird feeling ongoing which never happened before. I couldn't think of things to talk to her about it just came out as some annoying insults which I'm sure she's not a fan of and I'm glad she isn't because I do not want to catch feelings for my bestfriend's sister. Especially a girl who I used to annoy when I was young. I want to avoid any kind of romantic involvement with her.

"So I came with you to the Mortuary, in return you have to come with me to the Sheriff's office." She said while eating her ice cream , yeah I had to buy her a soft serve just for showing her a place where zombies are kept atleast that's what she makes it seem like.

"Wasn't buying an ice cream enough? Please I'm tired from driving and taking hours to examine the body , running all the tests to get answers." I was genuinely tired from the work today. Normally I would be fresh but the driving took a toll on me today and also my long journey to come here. I did not sleep  on the plane too, it was uncomfortable.

"Excuses excuses excuses." She sang in her chirpy voice. Her voice was cute and nice to hear even when she tried to insult me with her lame comebacks.

I groaned and then gave in.
"Okay fine."

"Yay!" She spoke Sarcastically.

Then we drove off to the Sheriff's office but I let her drive because I was in no mood to sit straight and move the steering wheel while navigating the roads. I took a small power nap in the car. I was well aware about my surroundings and even got to know that we reached. Rose turned to wake me up but she didn't instead I could feel her staring at me.

"Like what you see?" I said suddenly opening my eyes which startled her.
"You know any moment longer and I would think you're a creep who likes to stare at people while they sleep." I smirked which made her cheeks turning bright red colour. Embarrassed I guess.

"N-no I wasn't." She said looking away from me.

"As you say Heller." I shrugged my shoulders and got out of the car.

We both entered the town's local sheriff's office. He was an old mad with peppered hair and wrinkles on his face.
"What brings you two here?" He says in a polite but firm tone.

"Sir as a reporter of time zone I would want to interview you!" Rose says with a great amount of excitement.

"And why is that?" He raised his left eyebrow.

"Because.... Oh yeah because you are  taking care of this town  and it is a big thing . You know all the pros and cons of living here more than anyone. This being the famous town it is anybody would kill to interview the one and only town sheriff." So good at sugarcoating things and saying it, wouldn't doubt this journalist's skills.

"Is that so? Come take a seat." He said while motioning his hand towards the seat Infront of his desk. We both sat down there.

"So sir I would want to know your thoughts on this town." Her eyes shined , she sure did love her work and was enthusiastic about it.

"Aurora is one of the beautiful and friendly place to live in. It has warm and welcoming people...." He kept ranting on how amazing his town is which made me want to sleep , it was so boring how could someone even enjoy this but then again I looked at Rose who was listening to his attentively and taking down notes in her diary. Ugh how long would I have to sit here and listen to this guy who is such a big narcissist. He keeps praising himself so much.

"And sir what do you have to say about the recent disappearances of two young girls who coincidentally happen to be orphans." She shot a question at him which made me interested.

"Ah- I- you know this town is very safe and doesn't come under police radar because of the less crime rates here. We have merely had petty thefts and shoplifting that too even less and we caught the criminals , no one thought something this big would happen." He said stuttering.

"What are you going to do about it?" Another good question from Heller.

"I have informed the police about it and this is a big matter so they will look into it." Wow great so his job is done? Even I wouldn't mind getting paid just for sitting on the seat and getting high treatment from everyone. Clearly he doesn't do his job well which kind of made me pissed. If he would be a little more careful about things maybe just maybe those two little girls could be saved. Who knows what kind of torture they must've gone through , it makes me anger. I clenched my fists at the thought of it but cooled down when Rose kept on asking him other sorts of questions. The interview went on for long. Then we got up and took our leave. The Sheriff still had a proud look on his face which made me want to barf.

"You want to get some drinks?" Rose asked.

"Your treat?"

"Ugh Fine cheapskate my treat."

"Consider it as a fees for taking me to that boring old man and for tolerating his narcissistic personality."

"We'll walk till the bar , it's right around the corner here."

EVIDENCE 2:  THE LAST PETALWhere stories live. Discover now