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Mendoza mansion was way more huge than any other house I have seen in this town.  Glass windows , a huge lawn on both the sides of the house filled with blooming roses and a fountain in the middle. They are the real deal of the town. We rang the bell and a young boy opened the door. He was a bit hesitant at first but then proceeded to talk.

'' Yes?'' 

'' We are from the police , we need to speak with Mr Mendoza , is he at home?''

'' He is in the attic finding some papers, I will get him for you. You can sit down in the living room"

We went inside and the house was as beautiful as it looked from outside. Staircase from both the sides and they had a lift inside. WAIT WHAT?? A LIFT???  okay  I get it they are very rich. 

Few moments after that Mr Mendoza came down along with the same boy as before and there was one more boy with him.  

''Yes? How exactly can I help you?'' 

''We are here to inquire about Mr Smith's death that happened at your party. We have few questions related to it.''

'' I didn't commit any murder nor did I shoot him."

'' Okay first of all I never said YOU committed any murder but your behaviour just might make it very easy for me to solve this murder. So as I was saying , did you ever have any sort of clashes with the Smiths regarding any misunderstanding or anything?''

''NO! I mean not all infact they were supposed to be my future in laws I had so much expectation and then this devastating event occured. He was a really good friend of mine and I was really  sad upon hearing his demise.'' The same young boy from earlier scoffed and Mr Mendoza gave him a side eye which made the whole situation look really fishy. 

''Who are these two boys?'' 

'' He is my son Keith and that is his friend Steve.'' 

''Seems like son and father have a really good bond.'' Trevor said sarcastically and anyone in the room could make out the sarcasm. It looked very off to me as well but I just couldn't start asking him personal questions.

''Did you tell about the maps of your hall to anyone?''

''I myself didn't know how the hall was going to be, my secretary booked it. He does all the bookings for me.''

''Where is your secretary? We would like to speak to him.''

''He is currently on vacation. He went to meet his family and they live on the outskirts of this town.''

''WHAT? ARE YOU STUPID? There is crime scene going on and you just let him off like this are you mad?'' 

''I-I didn't know, calm down. I will arrange my private jet for you although it will take me one day as my wife is currently in France and she will come back tomorrow.''

''You let your wife go too?? You know that is some serious crime you did right there. You've made our task even more hard. For all you know they could be the killers.''

''No way my wife could kill him because when he was shot she was with me. I am very sorry I didn't know of this.... You know I've been noticing you and it seems to me that you are married?''

''We are just engaged and none of this really concerns you. You could be under arrest for just this.''

''Ah I see, I would like to do something for you both as you are my guests and I don't want my guest to leave unhappy. I could make the wedding of your dreams and you don't have to pay a single penny from your pocket. I can arrange the best place , best decor and even the best Priest,  He is a good friend of mine.''

''Are you seriously trying to bribe us? You know that would not work at all.''

''No I am just returning a small kind gesture to you as my gratitude and About my wife and my secretary , I will try to get the situation under control as soon as possible. For now Keith and Steve will take you to the Priest.'' Bingo! just exactly what I wanted , I wanted to talk to these kids alone without this dumb buisnessman being around and being very nosy. Although he is very rich but I didn't expect him to be this stupid.  Like they say money can buy everything but clearly couldn't get this guy a brain. 

We went outside along with the two boys and   they suggested we could walk till there as it wasn't very far. I wasn't even interested in going there I just wanted to talk to both of them. They seemed harmless so I didn't want to scare them with questions and so a walk could be really beneficial at times like these. 

We walked slowly and I started the conversation very casually.

'' So what does your Father do Steve?'' He looked very uncomfortable at my question and he hesitated to answer and then Keith spoke

''His Father recently passed away. He does not like talking about him family.''

''I'm sorry to hear that... What happened to him?"

'' He-He committed suicide... and my mother died way before I was born.'' He hesitated and I didn't feel like burdening him with more questions

''That's terrible.'' I felt really bad for the kid. He was so young and such a tragic story, maybe that's why he was at Mendoza's house?

''How old are you both?'' Trevor tried changing the topic.

''We both are seventeen.''  Keith replied. 

''That's a great milestone in life, soon you will be adults.''

'' Do you think my father is the killer?'' That was a very unexpected question coming from his side and judging from his expressions he was serious but he looked sad.

''No not really but we couldn't let our guard down just yet.''

'' I think he could be the killer.'' Wait what? I really need to sit down and talk to this kid , he got some serious issues going on with him. Both of them are really unhappy and it is strange because boys their age would normally be less worried about anything in life. That being said Steve also lost his family so we can't ignore this fact.

''Are you saying this because you hate him?''

''Hate is a small word for what I feel about him.''

'' It happens , teenagers tend to drift away from their parents at this age. It is a very tender age to get spoilt and you just think everything is your parents fault.''

'' If only you knew... Anyways we are here.'' 

Steve was still not able to look up and talk to us maybe because we asked him a question that reminded him of the entire traumatic incident. He should get some therapy. 

EVIDENCE 2:  THE LAST PETALDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora