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"Do You know the Mendozas??"

"Yes obviously who doesn't know about them!" They are one of the richest people in the Aurora town.
Mr Mendoza a business tycoon and Mrs Mendoza a fashion influencer. Both of them highly skilled and qualified at their work.

"They are launching a new product so they are keeping a party at Hotel De Plaza and guess who got in." Bella said pointing at her.

"Woahhh lucky girl." I cried out , it's a royalty to be at their party and she gets to be there.

"That's not the end of it chérie... You are going too!!" She said and excitement and we both screamed with happiness.
"But we are going there for work. We have to capture and take the best shots of the event. It's on next Thursday. capturer l'instant " which meant capture the moment , it's the motto Bella lives by.

"Doesn't matter , if it means I get to be in a richest party of the year I don't mind at all." She looked at me sheepishly smiling and I couldn't help holding back my smile either.

"Also you get an extra invitation to take someone with you." Ohh that's a good news , I will have to narrow down between three people.
"Bring a date with you, quelqu'un de chaud ." She said winking at me. She said to bring someone hot,  I had to Google translate the last line because obviously I'm terrible at french but it sounds so sexy for some reason. 

"I will think about it." Still confused about whom I'll bring along with me.

"Let's have some tea!" I said being a good human I am with morals and etiquettes.

"Oh no chérie , I'm running late I have some work in town but some other time for sure." She gave me an apologetic smile and I was a little disappointed because I wanted to spend sometime with her. Specially after a long heavy day who wouldn't want to sit and have their girl time.

She left and I ran upstairs to tell Atlas , I was too excited to keep it in me and I had to I just had to tell someone and get it out of my system even if it means that I have to tell my enemy , I am doing it happily.

I galloped my way to his room like a happy horse for some reason and opened the door without thinking.
There he was standing ,
Doctor Jonathan Atlas was there in the middle of the room with just a towel on and his chest bare. He was almost close to drinking a glass of water when I stupidly interrupted. I instantly turned away facing towards the door and shutting my eyes in embarrassment again. I should have knocked. Why world why did you have to give all the brains to my brother and not me.
"SORRY!" I shouted so loudly in the silent room. I felt like my voice started echoing through the walls and it was killing me.

I felt like he was right behind me and I slowly turned and opened my eyes. He was standing right Infront and very close. I felt my the air in my lungs getting stuck there , my pulse rate would be so high right now. I gulped and he still being in his towel bent down till he came to my height and then he slowly moved to my ears closing all the possible distance between us. My hands were at my back touching the door so hard that it started sweating.

"Have you heard the term knocking. Heller." He whispered in my ears and it sent chills through my whole body. , I was frozen at my spot and I couldn't take out any word from my dry mouth. I got enough strength to move my numb limbs and pushed him back.

"You- I- I was just oh god put on a shirt for heavens sake." Struggling to take out proper words or even form a proper sentence. He folded his arms and chuckled. I just saw this guy without a shirt not to complain he is absolutely hot but still he is standing there laughing. My eyes trailed down and saw his abs and he noticed me doing that. I didn't do it purposely. Please God kill me. I wanted to sit and sulk in my bed for being so stupid for a while.

"I am starting to think you are obsessed with me Heller." He smirked and I was too ashamed to say anything.

"N-no I just came to tell you something and I was too happy that I forgot to knock. I told I'm sorry." I looked down regretting all of my actions since beginning. Too late.

"Oh I'm just an innocent man and you cunning women , what do you plan on doing to me? Don't take my advantage." He said sounding so dramatic.

"What?! NO EW NO WAY." My face was so red that it matched a perfect tomato.

He raised his eyebrow at me and finally put on his t shirt.
"What is it that you have to tell me?"

"Oh that... My friend Bella came and she gave me two invitations to the richest party that is going to be held here!" Gaining all my excitement back from the earlier thoughts.

"Oh wow congratulations." He did sound happy for me which made my breathing normal.

"Would you... Would you like to come with me?" Not a good time to ask this question but I've done enough things to regret in my life now I wouldn't mind another one.

He did look suprise at my question.
"I will let you know." I would have called Kate with me but when I got to know the date of when the party is, I was sure she wouldn't come at all. It was their three anniversary that day. The first time she and my brother got together. They would obviously decline and want to spend their time together with eachother.
"It's about time I wear my pants too or do you still want to keep looking Heller." He grinned at me and I couldn't stand there any longer , I ran out of his room and went to mine. I could hear his laugh from the distance.

I was in no mood to sit and sulk about the whole encounter after such a good news. My mind started thinking about Atlas again and him shirtless the redness from earlier was coming back and I brushed away my thoughts instantly. Get a hold of yourself Rose , you're a journalist and you are professional , you are awesome. That didn't help me feel better but trying it was worth a shot?

EVIDENCE 2:  THE LAST PETALWhere stories live. Discover now