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After yesterday's incident at the disc I almost forgot to ask Rose about her new boyfriend and when I got a chance to be with her alone again because Trevor took the car and went to petrol pump.

"So Rose who's your new boyfriend and how come you haven't told me about him?"

"Oh yesterday? That was a lie I made up to get rid of Robin." Little bit disappointed at that but okay.

"Hmm are you sure?" My eye cornered her.

"Yes I am." She replied with bright smile.

"Alright but what's your type in guys? Haven't you found anyone?"

"I surely don't want to date detectives I know that for sure."

"And why is that a problem for you?"

"I don't know... Detectives are boring and always too suspicious of things. If I were to date one they would be constantly paranoid about me."  Okay ouch that hurt.

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean!" I whined.

"You're an exception of course." She winked at me and that made us both laugh. The bell rang and I opened the door. Trevor was all ready to get us out and go to the Rovers house.

"This is the police and we would like to interrogate you regarding the disappearance of Molly Danner." The same old dialogue again and again. The women who I assume is Mrs Rover was half behind the door and was eyeing at us deeply as if we interrupted their good time. She was well dressed and was prim and proper. Ah the rich side what else did I expect. 

She slowly opened the door and let us in her house. We sat down and asked basic questions regarding whatever she knew about Molly but she knew only a little just basic information that we got from the orphanage. We then requested her to bring Debbie out of her room so we could have a talk. At first she hesitated but then she got up and went towards her hallway and stopped at the door of the last room. Her actions and her body language was very weird and totally not welcoming at all.

A shy girl who looked in her teens came walking towards us and sat down on the couch Infront of me. She was cute , jet black hair with tiny freckles on her nose and cheeks but not too much. Her face white and eyes  were of hazel colour. She was looking down and fiddling with the edge of her cloth. Nervousness or shyness? I couldn't make it out that well.

Turns out she was the same age as Molly and upon hearing her name she frowned and showed concern but she wasn't opening up. She told us about the past how they grew up together. Enjoyed and spent their childhood together as sisters but she didn't say about the orphanage or anything that happened after that. It felt like she was hiding alot of things purposely maybe it was because of the intimidating presence of her aunt.
Martha Rover , a lady in her early thirties and who looked like she couldn't tolerate our unexpected arrival and her niece being questioned by us. Somehow I needed to get this women away from Debbie so I could ask her and hopefully she would open up properly this time. That could help us.

We took our leave from the Rover house and Trevor told me a little more about Debbie. She was seventeen years old , one year older than Molly and went to one of the highly expensive school in the entire Aurora town, Carlton Highschool. A place where all the town's rich kids go and who knows what they do over there. Upon hearing this I came up with the plan to meet Debbie at her school and have a little talk about the entire situation.

We went back to the hotel in the north side of town. when we tried to unlock the door , it was already unlocked and we entered being cautious. There was bags placed right near the coffee table and someone was sitting there holding a book near his unrevealed face. His legs folded and sitting upright and so stern at his position. He placed his book down and smiled.

"Hello team." The words coming out in a deep voice of none other than
Doctor Johnathan Atlas or as everyone calls him the great John. Trevor got excited and they both pulled into a hug. Ah what a joy of two bestfriends meeting after a long time.

"It's been forever since I have seen you Johnny boy." Trevor was expressing his joyful emotions. Well this happens very rarely , he's mostly the serious type of guy but also sweet.

"Yes it is Trevy. I missed you man!" They both have nicknames for eachother, it makes them sound like a couple  and from the looks of it they behave like one. I cleared my throat a little louder to take the long lost carnival brothers out of their dramatic meet. That made John turn towards me and he put his hand forward for a handshake which I did and he spoke "you must be Kate, I've heard alot about you from Trevy." Interesting.

"And what have you heard about me exactly?" I smiled back at John and eyed Trevor who looked away instantly. Snitch.

"You are his girlfriend right? You have to be his girlfriend you're exactly like how he describes her. Short black hair and cute also very annoyi-" before he could complete Trevor jumped in the conversation

"Haha I think she's heard enough and yes that's Kate." He gave an awkward laugh and I elbowed him really hard in his stomach. He deserved that one for calling me annoying.

"And you must be John , his amazing bestfriend." I said looking at John again.

"Yes I am his saviour , his knight in shining armour and by the way sorry for stealing your guy right now." Damn he is so dramatic but I really like it.

"You should really try acting." We both had a good laugh on that one and then he moved towards Rose.

"It's been a while Atlas." Her hands were at her back and so was John's.

"Yes it has been a while Heller."

EVIDENCE 2:  THE LAST PETALWhere stories live. Discover now