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So far I don't have any leads which is disappointing and the orphan kidnapping is just outrageous and getting out of hand , I need to work fast because another innocent life is at stake and so much burden is on my shoulders but this is what I signed up for and I have to own up for it lawfully and respectfully. I am not complaining but the perpetrator is really good at his or her work. 

'' Hello earth to Kate. I am right here what are you thinking?'' Trevor snapped me out of my current distress and I was back to reality again.

'' Nothing just work stuff which by the way you are also on it aren't you worried?''

'' I am worried but I have learnt to keep my work life separate and private life different and IT'S OUR THREE YEARS ANNIVERSARY MY GOD WOMAN DON'T YOU HAVE ANY LOVE FOR ME?''

'' Chillll! I was just saying-''

''No , just for today focus on me please give me atleast this night give it to me.'' He gave me those puppy eyes , since when did he become this dramatic? Am I slowly turning him into another version of myself? I think this is what relationships do to you. 

We went to some nice fancy restaurant , I liked the dim yellow light aesthetics  it gave a very cozy ambiance which I liked very much. I wore my shiny red dress that went right below my knees and along with it I wore black heels and Trevor was just in shock after looking at me.

'' Did you always look this incredible or am I just dreaming?''

'' Were you always this lame or am I just dreaming?''

'' You didn't have to do me dirty like that. '' He whined , remind me again why am I dating this baby trapped in a man's body. 

'' You could've said something nice? ''

'' Come on You know I think of you as a remarkable angel falling straight from the heavens into my big strong arms because someone had to take the responsibility.'' 

'' okay now you are exaggerating , cut it Trevor.''

'' If I compliment you have problem , If I joke you have a problem then what do I even do? People are right women are hard to understand.'' 

'' You drop another lame line of yours and I am not going anywhere with you.''

''Okay jeez I am sorry. I was joking M'Lady.''

''Haha so funny.''

'' Bad sarcasm.''

''Shut up.''

''Make me.'' He smirked at me.

'' Sir can I take your order?'' And that's how our tiny fights get cut with someone always interrupting.

The food here was quite exquisite and not to lie it did taste really good. Trevor also looked good but I wasn't going to say it to him after his arrogant behaviour. He was in Black shirt and his sleeves were rolled up which made him looked really attractive for some reason.  Tonight I didn't order anything and everything was of Trevor's choice and he does have a good taste I mean obviously aside women he has a good taste in food. 

'' For the dessert I have a hot choco lava cake for you. Trust me you will love it , I have tried it once and it just blew my mind.''

''Wait when did you come here before? and that too without me?? were you with another woman??'' so many obnoxious questions were running through my mind because if he did treat another lady here already he is going to be a dead meat tonight.

''Nooo , I don't even look at another woman let alone take one to a fancy restaurant. It's been three years , you still doubt me? Because if you do then what is wrong with you? look at yourself I mean I have an absolute gorgeous lady with me all the time then Why do I need someone else?''

''I am not doubting you , I am sad you ate such an extravagant dessert without me.'' I sulked a little

'' I tried it to make sure it's perfect for you. ''

'' Are you trying to butter me with your words?'' I gave him a little side eye but I was happy at his words. 

'' It made you smile and so my job is done now stop talking and take a bite.'' I did as he said and let me tell you I was tasting heavens in my mouth literally. If I was dying tomorrow I would have this as my last meal , it is just so delisi-  wait what is this weird metal taste in my mouth. 

I gasped so loudly that the whole restaurant paused to look at me. It was a ring. I looked at Trevor and he smiled

''Out of all the lovely Woman out there I found the perfect one with the right amount of crazy and the right amount of beautiful and a little dumb too. Just so beautiful that at times I think that I am dreaming. Just so perfect that nobody and I mean it nobody could ever beat you. All the silly fights , all your tantrums and all your problems were worth it. So from today will you share all of your problems with me for the rest of our lives and give me that daily dose of chaos that I love deep down. Miss Kate Weiner will you marry me?'' I Teared up at his words and I was completely left speechless , everyone around us was hyping me up to say yes 

''YES! IT TOOK YOU FOREVER TO ASK!! everyone started cheering and applauding and Trevor got up from his seat , took my hand and pulled me in for such a heartwarming kiss. I know I could never forget this moment ever and I totally did not expect it today at all. 

We both went out for a very much needed walk and I need to solve this case as soon as possible because HELLO I HAVE TO PLAN OUR WEDDING I am officially getting married and I am totally loosing my brains.  Trevor's phone rang and I was so pissed because it ruined the well set vibe that was going on. 

''I'm sorry I have to take this.'' Yeah sure go ahead loser but not any he is my loser from now on!! Still can't process this.

''WHAT? ARE YOU SERIOUS? this is huge , public is not going to be happy when they hear this. Meet us tomorrow I will send you the location of our hotel.'' He cut the call and had a very worried face from which I understood it's a bad news.

''What happened?'' 

'' The Smiths- He got shot! Mr Smith is dead!''


EVIDENCE 2:  THE LAST PETALWhere stories live. Discover now