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It was midnight by the time we reached the orphanage. Nobody opened the door but we kept banging on it until finally a sleepy warden opened the gate. 

''Where is Denver and Dalton??'' I asked in a hurry , I knew the answer that he was about to give but I did not care.

''Isn't that your job to find out? It's late let us sleep peacefully.'' He was about to close the door but Trevor grabbed him by the collar and stopped him.

''Tell us what we need to know if you don't want to disappear as well and don't worry I can make it look like an accident, nobody will ever know how you got under a truck." There was anger and frustration in Trevor's eyes and I sure didn't like this side of him but it was much needed.

''I-I don't know. All I know is Sister Lily is also missing.'' Found the only link to the killer and now even she is missing?? Every single time we get close to solving it the leads suddenly die or disappear , it is frustrating. It was Sister Lily who gave away Laura to Harold and nobody ever doubted her because she reported it and upon questioning she gave statement against Harold. Neat work. 

We came back and John was already sitting there with Debbie. Thank god she is safe but I was really disappointed , I couldn't save any of those kids. I sat down in my room and Rose came and sat beside me. 

''I recognize the girl from the party. What is she to you?''

''We are going to adopt her.''

''That's big new. I mean I did talk to her she is pretty sweet I like her vibe.''


''What happened Kate? You seem very off.''

''It's just the case which is driving me crazy , turns out the person who was solely responsible in the disappearance of those children was Sister Lily who worked there.'' 

''What the actual f-''

'' Language!''

''Sorry , Okay you know what come and sit next to me I will give you a little head massage.'' I was in great need of one and I happily closed my eyes while she did her magic on me.

''Are you trying to bribe me by doing this so I can talk to Trevor for both of you?'' 

''No not really.''

''What is Trevor doing outside anyways?''

''He is talking to Debbie.''

''I just wish to end this.. I can't put up with this case anymore.''

''I know.. people look nice and sweet but their nature could be deceiving.'' Wait what she said actually made sense , we were so focused on the entire town and it looked so shady but they aren't actually very shady and because of this Lily got a chance to blend in the crowd properly , nobody suspected her because she never stood out to be suspicious. I see now The killer made absolute fool of ourselves . Tricking us by blending in the crowd.

I got up instantly and Rose was startled by my actions but she didn't say anything. I got down and searched about Lily. There it was on the internet Lily Carter wife of one and only Edward Carter. After her husband's death she left the town and since then nobody knew where she had been.

So after her husband died she left the town for a while and then came back to the town and stayed low by working in a orphanage where there were kids of those people who were killed in the same factory blast as her husband. Shockingly nobody knew who she was and They both had a son who was pursuing his education abroad according to the internet.There was nothing else mentioned about him , not even his name or his identity or his face which is so weird. 

I saw all the tapes of the factory burning case from earlier and somehow Rose was able to get the deleted footage as well. I saw all the footages and paused on each and everyone of them. The factory didn't suddenly blast because of some gas leakage in the pipe. The pipe already looked fixed but not entirely done yet. Someone took the opportunity to set it on fire. The factory did not burn by accident , it was done by someone. 

''John!'' I called out to him and he came.

''You had the autopsy reports of all the victims , what did you find out?''

''All of the bodies were burnt severely but they were identified easily except Edward.''

''And why was that?''

''In the reports it is clearly written his body was so damaged that nobody was able to identify it but later on it was revealed that its his body.''

''How were they able to tell if his body was so damaged?''

''It is not written in the reports... This incident occurred one year back someone tampered all the reports.''

''I wonder who could be this genius. Do you have any idea John?'' I smiled and this was smile of a particular victory I saw it coming.

''I am no detective but I think Edward Carter faked his death.''

''Exactly he is still alive. I believe that he was responsible for the factory blast due to some conflict between his partner. Once he escaped from the blast by faking his own death he changed his identity by..''

''Due to some burns he might have gotten a plastic surgery.'' John continued.

''Glad we are on the same page. He placed another body and was able to tamper the reports. His wife who is allegedly out of town was actually in the orphanage where the children of the victims are placed. That's how he got the connections inside. Now he managed to become good friends with Mendoza's and his secretary worked for Edward secretly. Who he easily got rid of. Once Harold's cover was blown , he managed to kill Harold. He managed to kill Tony Smith his former Partner right in the middle of a gathering.''

''All of this makes sense now but how do we find out where he is currently and how does he look like now?''

''Tomorrow is Debbie's prom and he sure will make his move , he likes to do things in middle of a chaos because it creates a perfect distraction. Well played.'' 

''So what are we going to do about it?"

''We will let Debbie go , he will definitely come for her tomorrow!'' 

I am certain he will try getting Debbie and with that he will be done. I must say he is a genius and rich enough to carry out his whole mission. Some rich people are not only rich but they are smart too. But his great plan won't work for too long. I will get him tomorrow and bring an end to this.

EVIDENCE 2:  THE LAST PETALWhere stories live. Discover now