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I sighed before opening the door. I do not want to do this again but I'm stuck in this everyday. The same cycle repeats where I enter this junk yard of a school and get bullied, hear mean comments and have no friend. I sit alone in class , have my lunch all alone only because I'm an orphan who got adopted by my rich uncle and aunt. I would die to go back to my orphanage but no they won't let me because it's harmful for their so called reputation. Here I am again opening the doors of North Wind Western High, one of the most expensive and posh school of this area. I did not even like this place or my aunt's place , don't get me wrong I'm not being ungrateful, I have my reasons. Gosh I miss Molly so much right now , I wonder how she is , what she's doing currently.

"Oh look the girl who got lucky is here."  Clara said in her snarky annoying tone which keeps buzzing in my ear long enough to get me all fired up.

"Oh look the girl who's so spoilt that she can't even sit on her own chair rather sits on her boyfriend's lap is here." I was so done with their day to day crap that I didn't even care a bit about their sentiments when I blurted that out aloud. These are the rich spoilt kids of this prestigious highschool. Specially Clara's boyfriend Keith Mendoza, his dad literally owns everything here and I think that is why Keith thinks he is on top of the world and everyone here is his slave. He's the most annoying and rudest human I've ever seen. Clara herself was daughter of Mr Mendoza's business partner Allen Kars. Now she thinks she is the queen of this town and specially this stupid school.

"Are you jealous honey that you don't get to sit on my lap." He spoke in his husky tone. His words got me more annoyed.

"Only a girl with low standards would sit on a filthy lap of yours." I wasn't afraid of these useless trashy bullies, I knew how much power they hold but I don't care.

Keith moved Clara away and suddenly stood up" You're the one to talk about standards? Oh please I would not tolerate getting such an ironic answer coming from an orphan." 

"Go back to your seat and crib all you want."

"I bet your parents couldn't tolerate a disappointment like you that is why they left you and you're nothing but a burden to your adoptive parents."

That's it , he pushed the wrong buttons it did not even take me a minute to stand still , I slapped him hard on his face. I couldn't control my rage. Everyone around was shocked at the scene. He looked back with anger and that exact moment a teacher entered. So to describe my entire situation in one accurate word right now would be trouble.

"So Miss Francis why did you slap Mr Mendoza?" Principal Warren asked face palming himself and making an expression which read I wasn't made a principal to handle this kind of crap.  In my opinion he is doing a good job.

" I would prefer just Debbie sir." I cleared my throat and he shot a look at me. Okay not a good time to say that but I hate that surname. It was of my aunt and uncle and it reminded me of bad things happened with me in my past.

"You know you're in no position to say that to me right now. So answer my question." He was right at that moment and I felt kind of embarrassed.

"Sir he provoked me , he and his little gang keeps on bullying me everyday."
I sounded more agitated than usual probably because of the nastiest thing this bastard had said to me.

"Sir she is clearly lying." I can't even believe this guy.

"Mr Mendoza this is not the first time I'm getting your complaints , you make more trouble for this school and I will have to call your father."

"Sir but she's-" he scoffed when he got cut off by principal Warren. Mannerless idiot.

"As for you Miss Francis , violence is against our school laws and you clearly know that but I'm reminding you for one last time again , if you resort to violence again then I'll be forced to take some actions against you."

"Sorry sir."

"Now both of are onto community service for this month."

"What do you mean by community service?" Keith asked with confusion.

"That means you and Miss Francis will help the school janitor with whatever duties he assigns you to do. Now off you go and remember twice before violating school forums and conducts."

I can't tolerate his face even for one second and I'm supposed to stay after school and help this jerk , wow my school life keeps getting worse and worse.  We both came out of the principal's office and Keith looked at me with furious expressions.

"You! You bloody orphan , you wait and see what I'll do to you next."

"You think I'm scared of your threats?"

"Oh you better be, till now you've just seen the trailer and now you will be forced to see the whole movie." His eyes turned darker and darker with the burning anger building up inside him which kind of did give me an anxious feeling inside but I wasn't going to let my guard down Infront of this guy.

"I....." I wasn't able to speak further , why was I suddenly getting intimidated by this guy , was it because he holds so much power?
He smiled because I couldn't finish my sentence, I'm sure he is starting to think he got power over me too but I won't let that happen.

"Keep your mouth shut  that way and you'll get into less trouble." He brushed passed by me hitting my shoulder with his and walked away and I was too mad at myself for letting him rule over me like that , so what if he's a son of some goddamn millionaire , he can't take authority over me like that. I was too frustrated to do anything at that moment.

EVIDENCE 2:  THE LAST PETALDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora