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(The Lady In White)

The beautiful lady appeared once again but this time she was not dressed up , she was in her normal form wearing her usual work dress she always wore to the orphanage. After Laura's disappearance everyone was scared to even step outside but there were these two teenage boys filled with exhilaration and wanted to escape from the place they thought of a prison and so they made a plan. When the night dawned and everyone put themselves to sleep these two young men were off to their little venture. Making sure that nobody notices them they somehow managed to get out of the gates. As soon as they stepped out they heard someone from behind them.

''And where do you think you both are going?'' 

''Nowhere Sister Lily please forgive us!'' They accepted their fate and were ready to be punished. Even after carefully analyzing they couldn't achieve their goal and at last they were caught , there was a sheer look of disappointment on both of their faces.

''You want to escape from here? I can help you.'' She spoke in a sweet voice which could make any normal person believe her easily and so did the boys. They trusted her because of her friendly and humble nature although they were surprised and didn't expect her to help them. She carefully held both of their hands and took them outside. They got inside a van and vanished from that place. A place which they once thought of a living hell and now they are finally out.  

''You two are very young and how did you think you would survive this cold chilly night without any assistance or any roof over your head. That is really stupid and careless of you two!'

''We did collect up some money and thought of taking the cheapest room we could get for the night.'' Denver was smarter than Dalton and elder to him by few minutes , he came up with the entire plan and Dalton was good at pocket picking that's how both of them were able to get money as well as come up with a plan to run away , live a free life without any misery or boundation. They were poor since the start and ever since their parents died in the factory blast they made up their mind to not give up on life , they were rather optimistic and thought of making it big out there in this horrible world. 

''To live in this town you have to be filthy rich and I don't think you would have that sort of money but that's alright , I've got a place for you two.'' They were happy hearing her words and they finally arrived to a house that was just in the middle of the town. They went inside and thought of staying there for the night. She took them inside and the house was empty and dark. 

''Is this your house Sister Lily?"

''Yes, yes it is. Now how about you both settle down and I will bring something to eat.'' They were pleased with that idea because they were so done with the crappy food they usually got that made them even more hungry. After she brought them a bowl of soup and bread sticks , they sat down and enjoyed their delightful meal. Denver thought of the taste being very odd and excused himself to the washroom. Meanwhile Dalton did not care and ate it up entirely. After Denver returned he saw his brother lying down on the floor with his eyes shut closed and the scene was so horrific that he couldn't help but screamed on top of his lungs. He managed to run out but he couldn't  the door was locked. Denver felt helpless and for the first time the feeling of betrayal hit him.

''You were responsible for Laura's disappearance weren't you?'' His shaky voice and the uncontrollable tears gave away his emotion of fear very clearly. 

''I am impressed by your potential Denver you figured it out.'' She laughed but this time it wasn't just a normal sweet laugh which she usually gave it was rather evil. Then a Man whom he never saw came out of the room. Confusion and alot of thoughts hit his mind. The man carefully picked up Denver and took him to a room , He locked Denver inside and for the last time he smiled at the little terrified boy who wanted nothing but to live a normal life.

He came outside and hugged his wife finally. '' Long and a tiring day but I am impressed Darling you did a great job.''

'' I would do anything for you.''

''You finally completed your last mission and I am so happy , Now we can live peacefully.''

''What about Debbie?''

''She is taken care of , you don't worry soon I will get my last petal of this rose.''

''Please lets leave this town after that I hate it here , let's end this misery right after we get her.''  He saw the love in her eyes and couldn't help but hug her again. She was happy to please her husband and the emotion she felt at that moment meant the world to her. 

''I love you.'' She spoke hugging him so tight and finally was pulling back from their long hug but he didn't let go. She was confused ''What are you doing Honey?''

''Nothing , you know I love you too and I missed you so much.'' The grip started getting tighter and tighter around her waist until she felt a stinging pain in her stomach. Finally he let go of her and there were tears in her eyes as she fell to the ground with a knife stuck to her deep. 

''Why? I did everything you said , I killed Harold for you I killed the secretary for you I killed Tony for you. I helped you with everything! Then why??'' She was on her last breath and she wanted answers , she was pleading for answers.

He got down to the ground and kissed her cheek for the last time. 

''You did a great job , I loved you so much!'' He said and wiped her tears but her tears couldn't stop.

''Then why are you trying to kill me?'' Her cracked voice finally came to an end and he spoke by shutting her eyes closed.

''Because I don't keep any weaknesses.'' 

EVIDENCE 2:  THE LAST PETALWhere stories live. Discover now